Sunday, June 30, 2013 ARIZONA TRAGEDY: 18 Firefighters Killed Battling Yarnell Hill Blaze

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ARIZONA TRAGEDY: 18 Firefighters Killed Battling Yarnell Hill Blaze
Jul 1st 2013, 04:31

YARNELL, Ariz. –  Local fire officials have confirmed that 19 firefighters have died while battling the Yarnell Hill Fire in central Arizona.

The Prescott Fire Department confirmed to MyFoxPhoenix that 18 firefighters, all part of a group called the Prescott Granite Mountain Hotshots, had passed away Sunday evening. An official with the Yavapai County Sheriff's Office confirmed to Fox News that the death toll had risen to 19. 

The sheriff's office has notified residents in the Peeples Valley area and in the town of Yarnell to evacuate.

Roxie Glover, spokeswoman at Wickenburg Community Hospital, told The Associated Press that the hospital has been told to expect residents with injuries and firefighters.

Earlier Sunday, the fast-moving fire prompted the evacuation of at least 50 homes in the Buckhorn, Model Creek and Double A Bar Ranch areas about 85 miles northwest of Phoenix.

The wildfire also forced the closure of about 15 miles of state Route 89, the Arizona Department of Transportation announced. The department did not have an estimate of how long the closure would last but advised drivers to use U.S. 93 or Interstate 17 as alternate routes.

Fire information officer Mike Reichling said earlier Sunday that no homes had been lost in the fire northwest of the Yavapai County community of Yarnell.

Early estimates put the number of evacuated homes at 120, but the number was downgraded by officials closer to the fire.

Reichling says the blaze was within a mile of some homes but was burning away from them.

The Yarnell Hill Fire prompted evacuations in the Model Creek, Buckhorn and Double A Bar Ranch areas about 85 miles northwest of Phoenix. The blaze also was within 200 yards of the Model Creek School.

Crews cleared brush and did other work around the evacuated homes to help guard against the fire.

On Sunday afternoon, the Yavapai County Sheriff's Office called residents in the Peeples Valley area and in the town of Yarnell, telling them to evacuate.

The wildfire started Friday and picked up momentum Sunday, covering 300 acres, as the area experienced high temperatures, low humidity and windy conditions.

Two hundred firefighters are now working at the fire, but an additional 130 firefighters and more water- and retardant-dropping helicopters and aircraft are on their way.

The Sheriff's Office said the Red Cross has opened a shelter at Yavapai College in Prescott.

In another Arizona fire, a 2-acre blaze that started at a motorcycle salvage yard and spread to a trailer park has destroyed five mobile homes in the Gila County community of Rye, located more than 130 miles east of Yarnell.

Gila County Health and Emergency Services Director Michael O'Driscoll said no one was injured in Rye.

The fire was ignited Saturday night at All Bikes Sales located off Highway 87.  It spread to neighboring federal Forest Service land but was fully contained within 12 hours of its start.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

The Red Cross says seven adults and two children were staying at a shelter set up for people who were evacuated.

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The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Read more » Assange, Ecuador President Say NSA Leaker in Russia's Hands

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Assange, Ecuador President Say NSA Leaker in Russia's Hands
Jul 1st 2013, 02:31

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange acknowledged Sunday that NSA leaker Edward Snowden appears to be "marooned in Russia," as Ecuador's president also said the international fugitive is indeed in Russia's hands. 

"He doesn't have a passport. I don't know the Russian laws, I don't know if he can leave the airport, but I understand that he can't," Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa told The Associated Press. "At this moment he's under the care of the Russian authorities." 

Despite Russia's repeated claims that Snowden is not technically in their territory, Correa said "this is the decision of Russian authorities." 

Snowden is said to be in the transit zone of the Moscow airport. He has a standing request for asylum with Ecuador, and Correa said that if he arrives at an Ecuadorean embassy, the country will analyze that request. 

But following reports that Ecuador had revoked refugee documents that potentially could have been used to get Snowden to South America, Correa confirmed that the Ecuadorean consul in London committed "a serious error" by initially issuing the letter of safe passage for Snowden. He said the consul would be punished, though he didn't specify how. 

With Snowden carrying no documents from Ecuador and no U.S. passport, Assange, whose group is helping the former U.S. contractor evade extradition to the U.S., affirmed that Snowden has entered a state of limbo. 

Assange blamed the United States for stripping Snowden of his U.S. passport, in turn curbing his ability to travel. Assange said on ABC's "This Week" that "for the moment" Snowden appears to be stuck in Russia. 

But he also said the steady trickle of intelligence leaks to the media will not be stopped. 

"There is no stopping the publishing process at this stage," he said, adding "great care" has been taken to ensure that. 

Snowden flew out of Hong Kong last weekend and landed in Moscow, originally with plans to catch another flight, possibly to Havana, Cuba. But he ended up stuck in the transit zone, where U.S. officials believe he remains today. 

Obama administration officials continue to plead with Russian officials to intervene and extradite him, though Russian officials claim he is not their problem. 

Meanwhile, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, who has been critical of Snowden, said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that it's "fine with me" if Snowden simply stays at the Moscow airport. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Read more » SURPRISE MOVE:Family Allowed to See Doc Who Helped Get Bin Laden

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SURPRISE MOVE:Family Allowed to See Doc Who Helped Get Bin Laden
Jul 1st 2013, 00:29

In a surprise move, Pakistani regional officials lifted the ban on relatives and lawyers visiting Shakil Afridi, the doctor who has been jailed ever since he helped the CIA pinpoint the compound where Usama bin Laden was hiding in advance of the 2011 raid that killed the terror mastermind.

The move, by the provincial government of Pakistan's northwest region, came after U.S. Special Envoy for Afghanistan and Pakistan James Dobbin met with Pakistani leaders earlier this week. Family members, who have long expressed concerns for Afridi's health and safety, and legal representatives, who have been cut off from their client, will now be able to see him once a month.

"I am very happy, and will go to see my brother next week."

- Jamil Afridi, brother of jailed Pakistani doctor

"I am very happy, and will go to see my brother next week," Jamil Afridi, who has appealed to the government and courts for access to his brother, told

Afridi has been kept isolated inside Peshawar Prison for nearly nine months since he spoke exclusively from inside prison to Fox News, detailing his affection for America and his capture by Pakistan's spy agency following the Navy SEAL raid.

Following that interview, authorities revoked several privileges from Afridi and barred his lawyers and family members from visits. Two prison guards were arrested and a senior prison official was sacked for allegedly providing Afridi cell phones.

An official requesting anonymity who spoke to Afridi's lawyer said a notification of the change had been sent from Home and Tribal Affair's department to prison officials. However Jamil Afridi said he hasn't received an official notice.

"I haven't received anything in writing, but am told that only I will be allowed in to see him," the imprisoned man's brother said. He believes it was a combined effort of his appeal to Pakistan's chief justice, foreign media and Afridi's many U.S. supporters.

On a phone call from Pakistan, Jamil Afridi thanked Free Afridi campaign activists and asked them to carry a message to Washington for him.

"Please tell Obama and [Secretary of State John] Kerry to help free my brother," he said. "He means everything to me."

Hollywood power couple Robert Lorsch, chairman and CEO of MMR Global, a company specializing in health records, and his wife Kira, an actress, have been spearheading a campaign to help free the hero doctor.

Lorsch told that the breakthrough was also due to his several meetings with U.S. and Pakistani officials last week, in which he urged them to negotiate and secure the doctor's release. He has made winning Afridi's release his cause, and has pledged to give the doctor a job with his company.

"There seems to be a light at the end of the Tunnel," Lorsch said. "If Pakistan wants to have its loan from IMF (International Monetary Fund), the only way they can get that support is by freeing Doctor Afridi."

Pakistan is expected to ask IMF for a bailout package of up to $6 billion with no strings attached to revive its dire economy. Headquartered in Washington, the agency's largest stakeholder is the U.S.

Jamil Afridi said he and his brother will happily bring their families to live in America once Shakil Afridi is released.

"The day he is freed, we all will leave if the United States is willing to keep us," Jamil Afridi said.

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Read more » VA BENEFITS BACKLOG:Vet Suffering From Agent Orange Waits Years for Aid

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VA BENEFITS BACKLOG:Vet Suffering From Agent Orange Waits Years for Aid
Jul 1st 2013, 00:29

A Vietnam veteran has been waiting for more than two years for government benefits to help pay for treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder and exposure to Agent Orange, WSMV Channel 4 reported.

Tennessee resident Kenneth Moore was a 19-year-old stationed in Thailand during the Vietnam War, and was sent several times to Vietnam for radio work. He recalls the strange powdery herbicide being sprayed on trees that landed on his clothes. When he returned to the states, he says, he began taking medicine to help with the nightmares of war, which still haunt him.

So when Moore began having lung and heart problems, he filled out the Department of Veterans Affairs' disability forms.

"It's just like, 'You're a liar,' you know."

- Vietnam veteran Kenneth Moore

Now Moore is one of an estimated 5,000 Tennessee veterans mired in a backlog, waiting more than 125 days for their disability claims, according to a WSMV investigation.

Upon his discharge, Moore's papers state "Vietnam Campaign Medal," and he was placed on the Agent Orange registry. His place on the registry came after Moore was diagnosed with heart disease by an Agent Orange specialist with the VA. He was also diagnosed by another doctor with PTSD.

Still, the VA denied Moore his claim twice over a two-year period, the station reports. The VA said there was no proof of PTSD and no proof he was exposed to Agent Orange. And, because he was originally stationed in Thailand, they said there was no proof he was even ever in Vietnam.

"It's just like, 'You're a liar,' you know," Moore told WSMV.

When the station inquired about Moore's case, the VA stated that a paystub submitted by Moore's wife, Judy, proves he was in Vietnam and exposed to Agent Orange.

When asked why Judy Moore had to provide the proof, the VA said it is still operating with paper files, not electronic records, so it's harder to find the information.

The delays mean veterans are growing older and, in some cases, sicker while they wait for technology to catch up, and Kenneth Moore is afraid many of the vets are running out of time.

"It's not just me. It's thousands and thousands of veterans out there that they'd done like this. And they've finally given up, or they've died from this mess," he told the station.

According to WSMV, Kenneth Moore still isn't receiving his benefits. He did, however, receive a letter this month stating the VA wanted him to have another exam to determine if he really has PTSD.

Click for the story from WSMV.

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Read more » Obama Urged to Get Tough on Russia, Ecuador Over Snowden

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Obama Urged to Get Tough on Russia, Ecuador Over Snowden
Jun 30th 2013, 22:07

Two top senators called Sunday for the U.S. to get tough with countries positioned to help NSA leaker Edward Snowden, with Sen. Chuck Schumer saying the U.S. should cut off business visas to Ecuador if that country offers him asylum. 

Sens. Schumer, D-N.Y., and John McCain, R-Ariz., had tough words for both Russia and Ecuador. The latter is considering Snowden's bid for asylum, though may not issue a decision for weeks. Russia, meanwhile, has declined to intervene despite Snowden spending the past week in a Moscow airport. 

On Ecuador, Schumer told "Fox News Sunday" that the U.S. should cut off millions in foreign aid to the country and suspend favorable trade status, something Ecuador has suggested doing anyway. But he also said the U.S. could exert leverage by ending the 85,000 business visas between the two countries. "Cut them off," he said. 

McCain said the U.S. also has to ramp up pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

"This is a direct slap in the face to the United States of America," he said of Putin's refusal to intervene in the Snowden case. 

Schumer agreed, saying, "they always are putting their finger in our eye." 

President Obama said Thursday that he shouldn't have to get personally involved in "wheeling and dealing" with other nations over Snowden, suggesting it should be a routine legal matter for him to be turned over. 

But as the stalemate dragged on, Vice President Biden on Friday called Ecuador President Rafael Correa to urge him to reject Snowden's asylum request.

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Read more » 70-YEAR MYSTERY:Marine Holds Out Hope for Long-Lost Medal of Honor

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70-YEAR MYSTERY:Marine Holds Out Hope for Long-Lost Medal of Honor
Jun 30th 2013, 20:04

With an act of almost unbelievable courage, Arthur J. Jackson took out 12 bunkers and killed almost 50 soldiers in a single savage battle for the South Pacific island of Peleliu in 1945, earning him the Medal of Honor from President Harry Truman.

But it stayed in his hands for only a couple weeks. Jackson was in New York to be saluted at a gala event along with several other World Word II Medal of Honor winners and left it on his bed when he went out for the evening. It was the last time he saw it.

"I had left my ---damned medal in its box on the bed in the room," he told Fox News. "And I knew when I got back .... It's the first thing I looked for – and it was gone."

For 42 years, the medal's whereabouts remained a mystery. Then, in 1987, it appeared there was a break in the case.

"It's the first thing I looked for – and it was gone."

- Arthur J. Jackson, Medal of Honor recipient

Jackson got a call from Harold "Speedy" Wilson, a fellow Medal of Honor recipient. Wilson had been told by a VA administrator in Chester, S.C., that Jackson's medal was on display at a local TV repair shop.

The shop owner, Joel Shockley, told Fox News he bought the medal for $300 at a gun show in Charlotte, N.C.  It came with a photocopy of Jackson's citation, so he assumed it was Jackson's medal.

Shockley agreed that the medal should go back to its rightful owner. So he boxed it and mailed it to Jackson.

But when Jackson opened the package, and turned over the medal he was stunned. On the back, there should have been an inscription with his name, Truman's and the place and date of action.  But the metal was flat and blank. 

The medal was a fake.

For the second time, it had slipped from the grasp of Jackson, now 88, who is a resident of Boise, Idaho.

The FBI got involved, and assumed that Shockley had kept the real medal, while sending Jackson a facsimile. There were plenty of those floating around. In fact, the company that was hired to produce the Medal of Honor was fined and lost its government contract for stamping out bogus medals in addition to the real ones.  They became popular items for military collectors.

Twenty-five years have since passed, but the investigation has yielded no clues as to where Jackson's medal might be.

Fox News learned of the story a few weeks ago and spoke several times with Shockley about the medal he returned and whether it was possible he never relinquished the real one.

In a phone conversation, Shockley told Fox News, "I did not lie about that.  I told them – I said that's the one that I had.  It's the only one that I've ever had in my hands and that's the one I sent him back."

There were two main reasons the FBI believed there were multiple medals. One was that Wilson had seen the inscription on the back. But according to Shockley, Wilson never came into his shop -- only the VA Administrator did. 

The other reason is an article in the Chester News and Reporter from March 30, 1987.  It detailed Jackson's story and Shockley's offer to send the medal back. In a photograph of Shockley holding the medal, the ribbon is different from the one that held Jackson's medal. The FBI figured: two ribbons, two medals. 

But when Jackson's family sent the fake medal to Fox News for examination, it came with two ribbons. A ribbon identical to the one in the photo, and a ribbon similar to the original.

When Fox News shared this new information with investigators, they began to reconsider.

It is now possible, sources close to the investigation tell Fox News, that Shockley never had the real medal. That he was essentially duped at the Charlotte gun show into buying a fake. 

Fox News asked Shockley if he knew of any collector who might have the original medal. 

"No – I wish I did," he said.  "That way I could get this mess straightened out once and for all.  I tell you – it has caused a lot of heartache and headaches."

The question remains: If Shockley never had Jackson's medal, where is it?  The FBI's only interest now is in returning it to its rightful owner.

The Medal of Honor is a highly prized collectible among fans of military memorabilia. But Jackson's family says it belongs to the hero who earned it through extraordinary valor.

In fact, Jackson's Medal of Honor citation is nothing short of incredible. During the savage battle for Peleliu in the South Pacific, his 7th Marines were pinned by withering Japanese fire from dug-in fortifications. That's when the 19-year-old Jackson drew on an almost superhuman courage and determination.

"When my platoon leader came along," Jackson told Fox News, "he asked me…Jackson – do you think you can get into that ---damned shallow trench that runs across the front of that big bunker?  If you can, you could probably do some bad things." 

Dodging a hail of enemy fire and snipers in the surrounding coconut trees, Jackson made for the trench.  He and a squad member had rigged a pack with 45 pounds of C2 plastic explosive.  Jackson threw a phosphorous grenade into the bunker, then pushed the pack through the aperture and lit the fuse.

"And it just sizzled. And I knew I had about 30 seconds to get the hell out of the area," he told Fox News.

Jackson spotted a nearby crater from a 500-pound bomb and ran to it like it was the last thing he'd ever do. It almost was.

"Just as I dove in there, the roof of that big bunker -- whoooooom..!  Up it went…coconut logs, boulders, earth..  I thought – I've been done in by my own stupidity."

That would have been enough for most warriors.  But Jackson kept going.  By the time it was all over, he had taken out 12 bunkers and killed 50 enemy troops.

Almost singlehandedly, Jackson had secured the southern tip of Peleliu for the Marines.

A year later, at the White House, President Truman slipped the Medal of Honor around  Jackson's neck

"Well, old Truman is a good old boy," Jackson said, "and he says "I'm proud of you." He says "you have a fantastic citation." And he said,"I appreciate everything you did, and so do the American people."

Jackson now is one of just 10 living World War II Medal of Honor recipients. He told Fox News he doesn't think he has many years left.  He would just like to hold his medal again before he, like so many other heroes of the 'greatest generation,' passes.

The FBI is simply hoping that someone out there will do the right thing.

The Congressional Medal of Honor Society has agreed to receive and return Jackson's medal.  They are willing to accept it anonymously, or give credit to whoever chooses to return it.

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Read more » A SOUR NOTE: JLo Serenades Leader Hit For Human Rights Abuses

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A SOUR NOTE: JLo Serenades Leader Hit For Human Rights Abuses
Jun 30th 2013, 18:24

NEW YORK –  Jennifer Lopez sang "Happy Birthday" to the leader of Turkmenistan during a show, but her representative said she wouldn't have performed there at all if she had known there were human rights issues in the country.

The singer and actress performed in the former Soviet bloc country on Saturday night. A statement released Sunday by her publicist said the event was hosted by the China National Petroleum Corp. and wasn't a political event.

However, the country's leader, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, did attend. Berdimuhamedow has been criticized for oppressive rule by human rights organizations. Human Rights Watch describes Turkmenistan as "among the most repressive in the world."

After a United Nations visit last month, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Simonovic said the country had made progress in the area of human rights, but "a lot more work is needed to complete this process and to ensure practice is in line with international standards."

Lopez's publicist says the event was vetted by Lopez's staff: "Had there been knowledge of human rights issues any kind, Jennifer would not have attended."

The birthday serenade was a last-minute request made by the corporation to Lopez before she took the stage, and she "graciously obliged," the statement said.

Lopez is the latest celebrity to face scrutiny for performing in countries or for leaders with human rights violations.

In 2011, Oscar-winning actress Hilary Swank profusely apologized after attending a birthday party for Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, who had been accused of torture and killings; she said she didn't have a full understanding of the event.

Beyonce, Nelly Furtado, 50 Cent, Mariah Carey and Usher were paid handsomely to perform at parties linked to the late Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. All later announced plans to donate their performance fees to charity and said they hadn't known the leader was connected to terrorism.

Lopez has no other performances scheduled in the country, her publicist said. Her performance fee wasn't disclosed.

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Read more » 'WISHFUL THINKING'? Schumer: House Will Pass Senate Immigration Bill

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'WISHFUL THINKING'? Schumer: House Will Pass Senate Immigration Bill
Jun 30th 2013, 17:26

In a bold prediction that immediately agitated Republicans, Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer claimed Sunday that the House ultimately will pass the Senate's comprehensive immigration bill -- despite House Speaker John Boehner's claims to the contrary. 

Schumer, needling the House speaker during an interview on "Fox News Sunday," claimed that Boehner will be pressured by the "dynamics" of the debate. 

"I believe that by the end of this year, the House will pass the Senate bill," Schumer said. 

Further, he claimed Boehner would have to rely largely on Democrats to pass it. This would constitute a violation of the so-called "Hastert rule" -- an unofficial policy named after former Speaker Dennis Hastert, under which the House only passes bills with a majority of the majority party on board. 

Violating that "rule" could damage Boehner's support inside the party, and Boehner has indicated he has no plans to do so. 

Boehner said Thursday that "we're going to do our own bill" and it will reflect "the will of our majority." 

In reaction to Schumer, Boehner spokesman Michael Steel also told that the speaker and his caucus have been "perfectly clear" on their intentions. 

"The House will not simply take up and pass the Senate bill," he said in an email. "Our legislation will reflect our principles, particularly on border security. Wishful thinking, frankly, is not a strategy for getting a bill to the president's desk." 

But Schumer, speaking after the Senate passed its version on Thursday, predicted several factors could change Boehner's mind. First, he said the coalition of both religious and business groups could pressure the House to act. Further, he said the national Republican leadership could do the same, citing the political importance of passing immigration legislation. 

Schumer, D-N.Y., also said supporters of the bill would be insistent. "We're not going to let this issue go away," he said. 

Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., also speaking on "Fox News Sunday," rejected Schumer's legislative prediction. 

"I was moved almost to the point of tears by Senator Schumer's concern for the future prospects of the Republican Party," Gowdy said, sarcastically. "But we're going to not take his advice." 

He added: "The Senate bill is not going to pass in the House. It's not going to pass for myriad reasons." 

He, like other House Republicans, questioned Senate promises that their bill would offer legalization to illegal immigrants in the near-term while eventually building border security and immigration enforcement for employers. 

The House is proceeding to break up the immigration issue into a series of piecemeal bills -- though Schumer claims they will not pass, leaving the House with the Senate bill as its only option. Gowdy noted that several House bills have already passed out of committee. "I'm more interested in getting it right than doing it on Sen. Schumer's schedule," he said. 

Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., who also supports the bill, was more restrained when asked about what Boehner might do. 

"I respect and admire John Boehner," he said, adding it's not "appropriate" to tell him how to do his job.

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Read more » Euro Allies Fume Over NSA Claim

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Euro Allies Fume Over NSA Claim
Jun 30th 2013, 16:24

Emerging allegations that America's National Security Agency bugged and hacked European Union offices stoked tension Sunday between U.S. and European officials, with German prosecutors announcing they are probing the claims. 

The allegations were carried in a report by the German magazine Der Spiegel. They are the latest claims to surface regarding NSA surveillance activity, as on-the-lam leaker Edward Snowden feeds a series of sensitive documents to the media. Der Spiegel did not specifically say how it obtained the information. 

European Parliament President Martin Schulz, in response, demanded a clarification from the NSA about the alleged program. 

"I am deeply worried and shocked about the allegations of U.S. authorities spying on EU offices," Schulz said in a statement, according to The Wall Street Journal. "If the allegations prove to be true, it would be an extremely serious matter which will have a severe impact on EU-U.S. relations." 

German federal prosecutors also said they are looking into the reports. The Federal Prosecutors' Office said in a statement Sunday that it was probing the claims so as to "achieve a reliable factual basis" before considering whether a formal investigation was warranted. 

It also said private citizens were likely to file criminal complaints on the matter. 

A representative with the NSA referred questions on the matter to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which has not yet commented on the report. 

But Michael Hayden, the former director of both the NSA and CIA, said Sunday that European officials should look in the mirror before criticizing the U.S. 

"Any European who wants to go out and rend their garments with regard to international espionage should look first and find out what their own governments are doing," he said on CBS' "Face the Nation." 

Hayden noted he's been out of the agency for years and said he didn't know the accuracy of the Der Spiegel report, nor could he confirm or deny it if he did. 

But he said "the United States does conduct espionage," and that the Fourth Amendment right to privacy "is not an international treaty." 

Der Spiegel reported that the NSA appears to have installed bugs in an EU building in Washington, D.C., as well as infiltrated their computer network. According to the report, this let U.S. officials monitor discussions and emails. 

U.S. officials have warned that the string of NSA leaks are damaging to national security. 

Snowden is believed to still be at the Moscow airport. Russian officials so far have refused to expel him to the U.S., claiming he is in a transit zone and not technically in their hands. 

Meanwhile, Vice President Biden on Friday called Ecuador's president to urge the country to reject a request by Snowden for asylum in that country. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Read more » ROCKET'S RED GLARE: Budget Cuts Put Damper On Military Base Fireworks

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ROCKET'S RED GLARE: Budget Cuts Put Damper On Military Base Fireworks
Jun 30th 2013, 16:24

WASHINGTON –  The Fourth of July won't have a patriotic boom in the sky over some military bases because budget cuts and furloughed workers also mean furloughed fireworks.

Independence Day celebrations have been canceled at the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base and at the Army's Fort Bragg, both in North Carolina. The annual July Fourth celebration also has been scrapped at the Marine Corps Logistics Base in Albany, Ga.

The reason is money -- namely the lack of it.

The failure in Washington to follow up a 2011 budget pact with additional spending cuts meant $85 billion across-the-board cuts that began in March. Budgets tightened, the military took a major hit and many federal workers absorbed pay cuts through forced furloughs.

When the decision was made to forgo fireworks at Camp Lejeune, the commanding general, Brig. Gen. Thomas Gorry, said the cancellation would "ensure that we can mitigate the fiscal challenges we are currently facing."

Last year's Independence Day at the base cost about $100,000, including $25,000 for the fireworks. The big issue is paying the overtime to personnel for security, transportation, logistics and safety. Base officials said they couldn't justify paying overtime when federal workers are losing pay while furloughed.

Brandy Rhoad Stowe says the fireworks at Camp Lejeune always were spectacular, and she said that she and her kids, ages 3 and 9, will miss them this year.

"I know fireworks might seem silly to other people," Stowe said in an interview. "But what is the Fourth of July without fireworks?"

Her husband is a master gunnery sergeant with seven combat deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001.

Stowe says she understands the budgets cuts but still feels a little shortchanged.

"It's just a bummer for the kids," she said. "It's like the Grinch stealing Christmas."

Marines and their families at Lejeune will instead be able to participate in some free activities -- golf, bowling, skeet shooting, archery and movies.

Other bases that are canceling ceremonies to mark the nation's birthday:

--Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, where the annual Jammin' July 4th put on by the 20th Fighter Wing at Shaw and local city and county officials has been scrapped. The base plans a smaller "freedom bash" on July 3 with pool games, face painting and bouncy castles.

--The Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam in Hawaii, which is scaling back by canceling the fireworks and instead hosting a daytime celebration featuring the Pacific Fleet Band and the Air Force Band of the Pacific.

--New Jersey's Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst.

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Read more » Inmates aid Ariz. guard after prisoner bites off her ear

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Inmates aid Ariz. guard after prisoner bites off her ear
Jun 30th 2013, 16:24

Two inmates rushed to the aid of an Arizona corrections officer after a prisoner bit off part of her ear during a routine check at a Phoenix jailhouse, KSAZ Fox 10 reported.

Rachel Harris, 22, a second-generation CO newly hired at the Maricopa County Detention Center, was savagely attacked by Bobby Ruiz as she entered the convict's cell at the Lower Buckeye Jail.

 "In the process of the assault, he bit the ear, half the ear off of our officer…we can't find half the ear, he may have swallowed it," Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio told the station.

". . . we can't find half the ear, he may have swallowed it."

- Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Two inmates, Ricky Shillingford and Andrew Davis, reportedly rushed to Harris' aid, wrangled Ruiz off the stricken detention officer and held the frenzied assailant down until additional officers arrived on the scene.

"He had her in a chokehold," Shillingford told Fox 10. "I saw blood was coming from her ears."

"I seen her on the floor, crunched over, hunched over," added Davis. "I snatched him off of her. He took a swing at me and went back toward her….Right is right and wrong is wrong. We make mistakes to get in here, but, hey, if you can correct your mistakes, then why not?"  

Ruiz, already convicted of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, now faces charges of aggravated assault on an officer. He has reportedly been placed on lockdown, allowed only bread and water.

"I just want to say, 'thank you,' to those of you who did help me," Harris reportedly told a group of inmates after the fact, her frayed ear wrapped in gauze. "I really don't know if I would have come out with anything more if you guys didn't help me."

Harris thanked the inmates with pizza.

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Read more » New ObamaCare Recruits: Librarians

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New ObamaCare Recruits: Librarians
Jun 30th 2013, 14:21

It was hard enough to learn the Dewey Decimal System. Now they've got to learn the health care law? 

In the escalating campaign to promote ObamaCare, the nation's librarians are about to become the Obama administration's latest recruits. 

The White House, in conjunction with the American Library Association, will kick off the partnership on Sunday morning in Chicago, where the organization is holding its annual conference. President Obama, who is currently in Africa, will deliver a 10-minute video message to the conference. 

Up to 17,000 U.S. libraries will be part of the effort to spread the word about the health care law while giving the public access to their computers. The government-librarian team-up is one of a number of partnerships -- some more controversial than others -- that the administration is trying to build in order to promote the law ahead of an Oct. 1 kick-off. 

That's when people without health coverage will start shopping for insurance online on new websites, where they can get tax credits to help pay the cost. Low-income people will be enrolled in an expanded version of Medicaid in states that adopt it. 

Libraries equipped with public computers and Internet access already serve as a bridge across the digital divide, so it made sense to get them involved, said Julie Bataille, spokeswoman for the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. 

"Libraries are a tremendous resource for people in their communities," Bataille said. "They're already a destination many individuals go to when they're seeking out information and understanding on a variety of issues." 

As the administration partners with the librarians, it's having a tougher time with a national advertising campaign. The Department of Health and Human Services last week announced it was trying to link up with major sports leagues, but Republican lawmakers swiftly urged those organizations not to get involved. On Friday, the National Football League said it had no plans to work with HHS on the health care law. 

The library association, though, appears to be all in. On Sunday, the group's Washington office plans to host a session to teach library workers how to help the public with the health care law. 

Libraries already provide health information to 28 million people a year via public access computers, according to the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal grant-making agency, which will coordinate the new effort with CMS. The two federal agencies also worked together during the rollout of the Medicare prescription drug benefit, experience that should help with this effort, Bataille said. 

Libraries will be particularly important in conservative states that aren't making much effort to promote the health law's opportunities. 

In Texas, the Dallas library system's home page has linked to -- the revamped federal website that is the hub for health law information. Embedding the widget on their sites is another way some libraries may choose to get involved, said Susan Hildreth, director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services. 

Some libraries may decide to set aside some public computers for people seeking health insurance or extend time limits on computers, Hildreth said. Some may work with community health centers on educational events. Those will be local decisions with each library deciding how to participate. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Read more » Vendors look to cash in on Gettysburg anniversary

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Vendors look to cash in on Gettysburg anniversary
Jun 30th 2013, 13:19

GETTYSBURG, Pa. –  As re-enacted war raged several miles away, tourists strolled a commercial strip of Gettysburg to survey T-shirts, hats and other trinkets to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Civil War's pivotal battle.

More than 200,000 people -- including thousands of re-enactors -- are expected to visit this small south-central Pennsylvania town through Fourth of July weekend to mark the milestone.

And it's a prime opportunity for vendors to make some money.

Sightseers can pick up one of the many incarnations of "150th Anniversary" T-shirts at stores along about a two-block stretch of one of the main drags in town, Steinwehr Avenue, less than a quarter-mile from the Gettysburg National Military Park. One store, in between two shops that promote ghost tours, had "Army of the Potomac" and "Army of Northern Virginia" athletic department shirts among offerings hanging on its porch.

A few visitors said they aren't comfortable with the consumerism in town.

"I don't like the commercialism. I think they can do a lot less of it," said Richard Gow, 65, of Binghamton, N.Y. Dressed sharply in a gray uniform, Gow was portraying noted Confederate Gen. Lewis Armistead outside the American Civil War Wax Museum.

Then Gow -- himself a U.S. Army veteran who served during Vietnam -- looked toward the battlefield, just down the road. That is where the self-proclaimed Civil War buff, who said his family ties trace back to Confederate Major Gen. John Gordon, said visitors can find what's really important.

"It's the grounds," he said reverentially, referring to the fields and hills where up to 10,000 Union and Confederate soldiers died in the Civil War's pivotal conflict. "It's an honor to be here."

Federal forces turned away the Confederates during fierce fighting on July 1-3, 1863, ending with the South's ill-fated Pickett's Charge across an open field against Union soldiers.

But making money on Gettysburg isn't new. In fact, profiteers went out to scour the battlefield, after the fighting was over, to search for relics to sell, said Peter Carmichael, professor of history at Gettysburg College.

Soon after the war, a brothel was established on Little Round Top, the hill that was the sight of key fighting later made famous in the 1974 Pulitzer Prize- winning novel, "The Killer Angels," and the 1993 movie "Gettysburg." That's long gone, too, with the National Park Service overseeing the land now.

"The battlefield in many ways is much less commercialized than it once was," Carmichael said Saturday.

George Lomas, owner of The Regimental Quartermaster store on the busy commercial strip said he's been gearing up for this week for months. His business primarily attracts re-enactors looking to buy period military jackets, shirts and belts along with bayonets and muskets.

Smaller tables near the front door carried 150th anniversary T-shirts and more kitschy items like a pen shaped like a mini-drumstick inscribed with "Civil War."

Re-enactors have been streaming in this week, Lomas said, but he also sells items for tourists.

When asked about people who may think Gettysburg is too commercialized, Lomas said, "That happens. That's business. I don't think it's over-commercialized. Of course, I'm prejudiced."

He noted how a stretch of road along the actual battlefield actually became less commercialized. He was referring to the Park Service's efforts in recent years to rehabilitate major areas of the battlefield to make it better resemble the territory soldiers encountered 150 years ago.

One of the changes involved removing a motel that that once stood across the street from a monument for Ohio soldiers. The rehabilitation process grew out of a master plan in 1999 that didn't set the 150th anniversary as a deadline -- though park officials say it was a welcome and timely coincidence.

The Killer Angels, written by Michael Shaara, and the Gettysburg movie have been credited with increasing interest in the war in recent decades. Shaara died in 1988.

His son, Jeff, himself a bestselling author whose "Gods and Generals" was the 1996 prequel to his father's classic, was signing books at the wax museum Saturday morning. He said he saw commercialism as a way to help the community pay for the taxes that in turn paid for infrastructure.

Shaara said other scenes in and around Gettysburg this anniversary week had to be taken into account, like lines of Boy Scouts eagerly going through the National Park Visitors Center; or dedicated history buffs wearing wool uniforms on a sunny summer afternoon marching in detailed formations to recreate the fighting.

"There are a myriad of draws of why people come here. The commercialism? We're a capitalist society. You're free to open a store and sell whatever it is you want to sell," he said. "But to me, it doesn't destroy what's here. It's sort of a necessary part of it."

Many other visitors said modern Gettysburg strikes the appropriate balance between capitalizing on its notoriety and paying reverence to the conflict: No amusement parks, no roller coasters.

"This kind of brings history alive," said Dave Gish, 54, a pastor from Wilton, Conn., who took photos of a re-enactment between Union and Confederate cavalry featuring hundreds of horses. "It's the kind of thing where this is pretty much what you're coming for."

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Read more » ARAB SUMMER? Thousands Rally Against Egypt's Islamist President

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ARAB SUMMER? Thousands Rally Against Egypt's Islamist President
Jun 30th 2013, 13:20

CAIRO –  Thousands of Egyptians demanding the ouster of Egypt's Islamist president are gathering at Cairo's central Tahrir Square at the start of a day of massive, nationwide protests many fear could turn deadly.

Sunday marks the first anniversary of President's Mohammed Morsi's assumption of power as Egypt's first freely elected leader.

Thousands of Morsi's supporters have staged a sit-in since Friday in an eastern Cairo district not far from the presidential palace, the focus of protests later on Sunday to demand his ouster.

The youth group leading the campaign to force Morsi out said it had collected more than 22 million signatures from Egyptians who want the president to go. It was not possible to verify the claim.

Morsi's supporters have questioned the authenticity and validity of the signatures.

There is a sense among opponents and supporters of Morsi that Sunday's rally is a make or break day. The opposition feels empowered by the petition, known as Tamarod, or Rebel, but it offered no proof regarding the figures. If verified, it would mean that nearly double the number of people who voted for Morsi a year ago are now calling for him to step down.

"Honestly, if (Sunday) is not a game changer, we might all just pack up our bags and leave," said Mahmoud Salem, a prominent blogger known by his blog's name Sandmonkey and a vocal critic of the Muslim Brotherhood, from which Morsi hails.

While violence is likely in such a tense atmosphere, Salem said it would not play out in favor of Morsi supporters because they will be outnumbered.

"They have alienated everybody," he said. Even if no violence breaks out, Salem said civil disobedience is expected in a movement designed now to "save the country."

Morsi's supporters, on the other hand, question the petitions, saying his opponents are led by members of the ousted regime of Hosni Mubarak who are trying to orchestrate a comeback and are instigating violence.

"Today and tomorrow will be the real birth of this nation," said Hani Salaheddin, a presenter on the Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated TV station Misr 25, predicting that Sunday will bring an end to the questioning of Morsi's mandate.

"Tomorrow is the end of every corrupt person," he said, as the slogan "legitimacy (of the ballot box) is a red line," appeared on the screen.

Already, clashes across a string of cities north of Cairo over the past week have left eight people dead, including an American and a 14-year old, and hundreds injured. Clashes broke out outside offices of the Muslim Brotherhood and its party in at least five different governorates, and rival protests turned into violent confrontations.

Highlighting the nervousness over Sunday's protests, President Obama said the U.S. is working to ensure its embassy and diplomats in Egypt are safe after the 21-year old American was killed in Alexandria, Egypt's second largest city. He urged all parties to refrain from violence and the police and military to show appropriate restraint.

Adding to the tension, eight lawmakers from the country's interim legislature announced their resignation Saturday to protest Morsi's policies. The 270-seat chamber was elected early last year by less than 10 percent of Egypt's eligible voters, and is dominated by Islamists who support Morsi.

A legal adviser to Morsi also announced his resignation late Saturday in protest of what he said was Morsi's insult of judges in his latest speech.

With a sense of doom hanging over the country, Defense Minister Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi last Sunday gave the president and his opponents a week to reach a compromise and warned that the military would intervene to prevent the nation from entering a "dark tunnel."

Morsi had called for national reconciliation talks but offered no specifics. Opposition leaders dismissed the call as cosmetics.

Exchange of accusations was running high Saturday, in a rivalry that has increasingly been portrayed by Morsi supporters as an attack on Islamists in power.

The Tamarod youth movement claimed its petition is evidence of what it says is widespread dissatisfaction with Morsi's administration, and has used the signature drive as the focal point of its call for millions of people to take to the streets to demand the president's ouster.

Mahmoud Badr, a Tamarod leader, told reporters Saturday a total of 22,134,460 Egyptians have signed the petition. He did not say whether there had been an independent audit of the signatures.

Badr blamed Morsi supporters of dragging the peaceful movement toward violence to "terrorize" the public and avert a mass turnout in the streets.

On Tamarod's Twitter account, the movement appealed to supporters to gather in every street in their hometowns instead of converging to the main rallies planned in Tahrir square and outside Morsi's palace.

At a press conference organized by Morsi supporters late Saturday for their members killed in recent violence, organizers showed multiple videos of previous protests where violence raged, showing images of attacks on the Brotherhood offices and blaming "paid thugs" for it.

"Tamarod are thugs," the crowd chanted at the conference held at the pro-Morsi sit-in.

Assem Abdel-Maged, leader of the formerly militant Gamaa Islamiya group, told the crowd that the Tamarod campaign was a "crusader war" against Islamists, led by extremist Christians to liberate Egypt from Islam. He added that his supporters collected 26 million signatures in support of Morsi.

"The issue now is war," he said. "Sunday's march is decisive."

Morsi's supporters have long doubted the validity and authenticity of the collected signatures.

"How do we trust the petitions?" asked Brotherhood member Ahmed Seif Islam Hassan al-Banna. "Who guarantees that those who signed were not paid to sign?"

But opponents of Morsi say the petition has already served its purpose, dealing a symbolic blow to Morsi's mandate and putting in stark terms the popular frustrations with an administration that critics say has failed to effectively deal with the country's pressing problems, including tenuous security, inflation, power cuts and high unemployment.

In a statement ahead of the protests, opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei said massive turnout is expected Sunday, calling for it to be peaceful and civilized. He called on Morsi to listen to the masses, and accept early elections.

"All of Egypt should go down tomorrow to say that we want to go back again to the ballot box," ElBaradei said in his recorded message sent to reporters. "We gave (Morsi) a driving license but he couldn't drive the car."

He added: "We all feel the country is collapsing, not because the president is from the Brotherhood ... But because the ruling system has failed completely."

On Saturday, Morsi met with the defense and interior ministers to review preparations to protect the protesters and vital state facilities during Sunday's demonstrations.

The focus of Sunday's protests is Morsi's Ittihadiya palace in Cairo. As a precaution, the president and his family are reported to have moved into the Cairo headquarters of the Republican Guard, the branch of the army tasked with protecting the president and presidential palaces.

With expectations of violence running high, the military has dispatched troops backed by armored personnel carriers to reinforce military bases on the outskirts of cities expected to be flashpoints.

In Cairo, additional forces were deployed to military facilities in the suburbs and outlying districts. Army troops are also moving to reinforce police guarding the city's prisons to prevent a repeat of the nearly half dozen jail breaks during the chaos of the 2011 uprising.

Many Egyptians fear the new round of unrest could trigger a collapse in law and order similar to the one that occurred during the 2011 revolt. Already, some residents have increased security around their homes, erecting metal fences and installing barbed wire. Residents in some of the residential compounds and neighborhoods to the west of the city are reporting gunmen showing up to demand protection money or risk being robbed.

The police have stepped up patrols on the outskirts of the city, ostensibly to prevent weapons and ammunition from coming into the city to be used in case of an outbreak of violence. The army is advertising hotlines for civilians to call if they run into trouble.

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