Friday, November 8, 2013 Jonathan Martin reportedly to meet with NFL investigator
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Jonathan Martin reportedly to meet with NFL investigator
Nov 9th 2013, 02:29

Miami Dolphins tackle Jonathan Martin will meet late next week in Los Angeles with the NFL's special investigator to discuss allegations in the team's harassment scandal, a source told The Associated Press.

The person, who is said to be familiar with the situation, confirmed the upcoming meeting on condition of anonymity because the league and team haven't announced the details of the investigation.

Meeting with Martin will be Ted Wells, a senior partner in a New York law firm with experience in sports cases. Wells was appointed Wednesday by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to investigate possible misconduct in the Dolphins' workplace and prepare a report that will be made public.

Dolphins guard Richie Incognito was suspended shortly after the departure of Martin, who is with his family in California to undergo counseling for emotional issues. Wells is investigating whether Incognito harassed or bullied Martin, and whether their teammates and the organization mishandled the matter.

Incognito also arrived in Los Angeles on Friday on a flight from Miami, WPLG-TV in Miami reported. His agent, David Dunn, is based in Southern California.

There were no plans for Incognito to meet with Martin, two people familiar with the situation told the AP on condition of anonymity because the NFL investigation is ongoing.

Incognito has long been regarded as among the NFL's dirtiest players, and has had brushes with the law. A police report that surfaced Thursday said a female volunteer at a Dolphins charity golf tournament in May 2012 complained that Incognito harassed her. According to the report filed in the Miami suburb of Aventura, the woman said Incognito touched her inappropriately with his golf club, leaned close to her as if dancing and then emptied bottled water in her face.

Incognito was not charged. The Dolphins declined to comment Friday.

The Dolphins (4-4) will play for the first time since the scandal broke Monday night at Tampa Bay (0-8). At least 75 reporters and cameramen tracking the case were in the locker room after Thursday's practice, but defensive end Cameron Wake said the scrutiny won't prevent the team from playing well.

"In the locker room this isn't an issue," Wake said. "We talk about football, we talk about making plays, stunts, tackling, catching the ball, whatever it may be. To me it's kind of silly. I'm in here trying to talk about football, and everybody wants to talk about something else."

The team had Friday off.

The news comes one day after David Cornwell, Martin's attorney, said Martin endured daily harrassment from teammates that went far beyond the traditional locker room hazing, including a malicious phyiscal and vulgar comments.

Cornwell released a statement Thursday night alleging that an unidentified Dolphins player threatened Martin's sister in vulgar fashion.

"For the entire season and a half that he was with the Dolphins, he attempted to befriend the same teammates who subjected him to the abuse with the hope that doing so would end the harassment," the statement said. "This is a textbook reaction of victims of bullying. Despite these efforts, the taunting continued. ...

"Eventually, Jonathan made a difficult choice. Despite his love for football, Jonathan left the Dolphins. Jonathan looks forward to getting back to playing football. In the meantime, he will cooperate fully with the NFL investigation."

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Read more » STARTLING DISCOVERY New hammerhead shark species found off SC coast
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STARTLING DISCOVERY New hammerhead shark species found off SC coast
Nov 9th 2013, 02:29

When new species are found near populated areas, they are often small and inconspicuous, not, for example, a hammerhead shark.

But that's exactly what a team of researchers discovered along the coast of South Carolina. The new species looks virtually identical to the scalloped hammerhead, but is genetically distinct, and contains about 10 fewer vertebrae, or segments of backbone, new research shows.

'Outside of South Carolina, we've only seen five tissue samples of the species.'

- University of South Carolina fish expert Joe Quattro

The new species, named the Carolina hammerhead (Sphyrna gilbert), gives birth to shark "pups" in estuaries near the shore off the Carolinas, according to a study published in August in the journal Zootaxa.

To find the shark, scientists led by University of South Carolina fish expert Joe Quattro collected 80 young sharks that looked liked scalloped hammerheads. They then analyzed their DNA, and found that they were distinct from their scalloped cousins. Further analysis found more subtle differences; the new species is slightly smaller, for instance, according to the study. Of these 80 sharks, 54 of them belonged to the new species, the study noted.

The study shows that the new species is quite rare. "Outside of South Carolina, we've only seen five tissue samples of the cryptic species," Quattro said in a release from the University of South Carolina. "And that's out of three or four hundred specimens."

Populations of scalloped sharks, like those of most other shark species, have plummeted in the past few decades by up to 90 percent, Quattro said.

"Here, we're showing that the scalloped hammerheads are actually two things," Quattro said. "Since the cryptic species is much rarer than the [more widespread one], God only knows what its population levels have dropped to."

The decline of sharks has been driven in part by demand for shark fin soup, a Chinese delicacy. About 100 million sharks are killed each year to satisfy this craving, scientists estimate. But there may be some good news consumption of the soup is down by about 50 percent in China over the past two years, according to the environmental group WildAid.

In more shark news, a new species of "walking shark" was discovered near a remote Indonesian island in August.

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Read more » 'HEAL A WOUNDED SOUL' Donors fund $20K treatment for teen set on fire on bus
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'HEAL A WOUNDED SOUL' Donors fund $20K treatment for teen set on fire on bus
Nov 9th 2013, 02:29

Donors have stepped up with more than $20,000 to fund medical treatment for a young California man set on fire while he slept on a bus.

More than 550 people anted up on to help 18-year-old Luke "Sasha" Fleischman before his grateful family and friends closed the fundraiser.

"On behalf of Sasha's family, THANK YOU SO MUCH for your generosity, love, and support," the website read. "Per the family's request, we are ending the fundraiser shortly after the $20,000 mark. You guys did it. You helped heal a wounded soul & lifted up a family in need."

Police said Fleischman — a senior at a private high school in Berkeley whose relatives and friends say identifies himself as "genderqueer," or someone who sees themselves as neither male nor female — was asleep on an Alameda County transit bus while wearing a kilt-like skirt when another passenger set the garment on fire, according to authorities.

Alameda County prosecutors charged Oakland high school student Richard Thomas, 16, on Thursday as an adult with felony assault and aggravated mayhem in the shocking attack on Monday. District Attorney Nancy O'Malley said her office is charging both offenses as hate crimes, but she did not indicate why.

Fleischman was listed in stable condition on Tuesday at a San Francisco hospital after suffering second- and third-degree burns on his legs. His condition on Friday remained unclear.

Attempts to reach Fleischman's relatives were unsuccessful.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Read more » 'GUNS & AMMO' SHAKEUP Mag apologizes, 2 lose jobs after gun control editorial
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'GUNS & AMMO' SHAKEUP Mag apologizes, 2 lose jobs after gun control editorial
Nov 8th 2013, 20:37

The top editor of Guns & Ammo became the second employee of the venerable firearms magazine to lose his job after a column advocating gun control backfired, prompting rifle-toting readers to unload on the publication.

In a statement posted Wednesday on the InterMedia Outdoors-owned magazine's homepage, Jim Bequette apologized to "each and every reader" of the magazine for Dick Metcalf's column that appeared in its December issue, which generated "unprecedented" controversy and left readers "hopping mad" in regards to the magazine's commitment to the Second Amendment.

"Let me be clear: Our commitment to the Second Amendment is unwavering," Bequette wrote. "It has been so since the beginning. Historically, our tradition in supporting the Second Amendment has been unflinching. No strings attached."

"I understand what you believe in when it comes to gun rights, and I believe the same thing."

- Jim Bequette, former editor of Guns & Ammo magazine

But by publishing Metcalf's column, Bequette said he was "untrue" to the magazine's tradition. He reiterated that Metcalf's views did not represent his or that of the magazine before later acknowledging he would step down as editor earlier than originally planned.

"It is very clear to me that they don't reflect the views of our readership either," Bequette's response continued. " … I once again offer my personal apology. I understand what our valued readers want. I understand what you believe in when it comes to gun rights, and I believe the same thing."

Metcalf, meanwhile, a longtime writer on firearms and U.S. gun culture, saw his association with the magazine terminated. Attempts to reach him Friday at his home in Barry, Ill., were unsuccessful.

In his column entitled "Let's Talk Limits: Do certain firearm regulations really constitute infringement?," Metcalf wrote that "way too many" gun owners believe that any regulation of the right to bear arms is an infringement prohibited by the Second Amendment.

"The fact is, all constitutional rights are regulated, always have been, and need to be," Metcalf wrote. "Freedom of speech is regulated. You cannot falsely and deliberating shout, 'Fire!' in a crowded theater. Freedom of religion is regulated. A church cannot practice human sacrifice. Freedom of assembly is regulated."

Metcalf continued: "The question is, when does regulation become infringement?"

The firestorm that following was intense and swift, with some readers indicating they would immediately end their subscription to the magazine.

"So a writer takes a moderate, rational stance and you fire him? Predictably gutless response from a magazine that sells fear," one message posted on the magazine's Twitter page read.

Other posts on the Twitter feed claimed the "damage is done" despite Bequette's apology and accused the magazine of betraying its core readers. At least one Twitter user also accused the magazine of backtracking when money "is on the line."

Ladd Everitt, a spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence, told that Metcalf should not have been fired, but added that the termination was not shocking.

"The central thesis of the piece — that all constitutional rights are subject to reasonable regulation, including the Second Amendment — is so point-of-fact and obvious that even grade school kids know it," Everitt wrote in an email. "But his termination is not surprising. The modern pro-gun movement is dominated by radical voices and brooks no dissent whatsoever. Dick Metcalf is certainly not the first moderate pro-gun commentator to have his career upended by absolutists."

Everitt's email continued: "Jim Bequette had hoped Metcalf's column would 'generate a healthy exchange of ideas on gun rights.' He forgot that no such thing exists within that community. You either embrace far right orthodoxy 100 percent or you are an enemy to be silenced and destroyed."

Messages seeking comment from National Rifle Association officials were not returned on Friday.

Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, told that Metcalf "absolutely did not" deserve to lose his post.

"If he suggested a ban on all guns, then I would understand that reaction," Watts said. "But to say a fair exchange of ideas on how to stem the deaths and murders in this country because of gun violence is an act of heresy just reeks of no tolerance."

Watts, a 42-year-old mother of five from Zionsville, Ind., launched her organization in the days after the December massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. She said she was so outraged by the "slaughter of 26 innocent people" that she had to act.

"I just felt as a mother that I would be culpable the next time this happened if I didn't do something to stop it," she said. "We need to look at background checks for every purchase. That's not violating the Second Amendment, that's common sense. And ultimately common sense will prevail."

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Read more » N. KOREA BIBLE DROP Group using balloons to sneak gospel into country
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N. KOREA BIBLE DROP Group using balloons to sneak gospel into country
Nov 8th 2013, 18:11

On a rainy afternoon last Spring, American pastor Eric Foley and his wife stood in a muddy field near the North Korea border and prayed – their hands clasped to a 40-foot homemade balloon that would carry Bibles to the communist dictatorship's underground Christians.

"I get choked up, every time, as I let go and watch it take off," Foley told

"They are the most persecuted believers on earth."

- The Rev. Eric Foley, Seoul USA

The balloons, made from a large sheet of "farm plastic," said Foley, are filled with hydrogen before the Bibles and "tracts" – testimonials written by other North Korean Christians – are attached at the bottom inside a sack or box. Timers are then used to release the materials in stages, dispersing them at high altitudes across North Korea. Foley and members of his Christian mission group, Seoul USA, use GPS technology to help direct where the Bibles land. Around 50,000 of them have dropped from the skies in the last year.

"They are the most persecuted believers on earth," Foley said of North Korea's estimated 100,000 Christians – 30,000 of whom are believed to be locked inside concentration camps, where they are overworked, starved, tortured, and killed. Other activist groups, like Open Doors USA, estimate that number to be even higher, reporting that the secretive nation has about 400,000 Christians.

In North Korea, the practice of Christianity is illegal. Owning a Bible is a crime, and any person caught with one is sent – along with three generations of his or her family – to prison. Foley said despite the risks, demand for Bibles is strong within North Korea. His group targets rural areas where they might be picked up discreetly, he said. 

North Koreans are forced to embrace Juche ideology, which mixes Marxism with worship of the late "Great Leader" Kim Il Sung and his family – a warped version of Christianity, says Foley, because Kim took concepts from Christianity, like the Trinity and church hymns, to create a religion in which he is worshipped. Foley said that if North Koreans learned about Christ, they would realize "this is all a fraud."

"It's a distortion of Christianity," Foley said. "And the best way to reach them [North Koreans] is through mindset and knowledge."

Foley, who is in his late 40s, founded Colorado-based Seoul USA in 2003 with his wife, a South Korean who immigrated to the U.S. in 1984. The two, along with other members of their group, launched their first balloon -- strapped with Bibles -- from South Korea in 2006. Foley said the balloons are typically sent out overnight from a muddy field at a high altitude between May and October. He said the best conditions are during a "rain storm or really bad weather because of the currents." 

"We are constantly monitoring the wind conditions as we're launching," he said, "And the North Korean border is always within the sight line." 

The balloons also include tracts, or testimonies, written by other North Korean Christians -- some of whom managed to flee to South Korea -- about Christ. 

"The North Koreans respond very well to story," Foley explained, "Because all are required to memorize 100 stories" related to Kim's ideology. 

In addition to supplying religious materials by air, Foley's group produces short-wave radio programs with North Korean defectors reading the Bible. He said about 20 percent of North Koreans own radios, which are illegal.

Foley and his group won the legal rights to conduct the balloon launches from South Korea, but officials there "don't make it easy," he said, noting that they often try to force hydrogen suppliers not to sell the group hydrogen. 

"Every time we fill up one of these balloons, we hold it and we pray together in English, North Korean and South Korean," Foley said. "We pray loudly and always with tears." 

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Read more » Man mauled, blinded in one eye by alleged pet deer
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Man mauled, blinded in one eye by alleged pet deer
Nov 8th 2013, 18:00

An Alabama man has been charged with illegally keeping deer as pets, including one buck that mauled and partially blinded him.

State wildlife officials said Friday that they charged Julius Dunsmore with illegally possessing seven deer.

Dunsmore said that he has kept deer as pets for years without any problems. He walked into a holding pen on Nov. 30 and was attacked by a large buck that he adopted after its mother was killed by a car. The deer's antler severed the optic nerve leading to an eye.

Authorities killed the deer because once they are held by humans, they cannot be released to the wild, reported. They are awaiting lab results to determine if the animals were infected.

Dunsmore, 69, said deer are extremely dangerous and he cautioned anyone from keeping them as pets. Wildlife officials said bucks sometimes attack during the breeding season.

"Illegally held captive deer in Alabama have caused numerous serious injuries and one fatality in recent years," Kevin Dodd, an enforcement chief with the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division, told

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The Associated Press contributed to this report

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Read more » FREE PRESS FIGHT Fox News reporter battles for right to protect sources
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FREE PRESS FIGHT Fox News reporter battles for right to protect sources
Nov 8th 2013, 18:11

A reporter facing potential jail for not revealing the sources of her reporting on Aurora, Col., gunman James Holmes will appear before New York State's top court next week in a bid to quash a subpoena requiring her to testify in the case.

Jana Winter, who broke the story revealing that Holmes had sent a psychiatrist a notebook before going on a July, 2012, rampage that left 12 dead and dozens injured, will appear on Tuesday before the New York State Court of Appeals in Albany to argue that New York's strong public policy of protecting the identity of confidential sources should also protect her from having to go to Colorado, where she could be ordered to disclose her sources.

Winter is also asking the New York high court to recognize the damage the subpoena is causing her career as an investigative journalist. Winter, who has steadfastly protected her sources on the story, could face jail time in Colorado if she is ordered to reveal her sources and refuses.

"The fact is that it has to do with punishing [the source], but that is not important enough to outweigh the First Amendment."

- Peter Scheer, First Amendment Center

"We are hoping that the high court will agree with our position that the subpoena should be quashed," said Dori Ann Hanswirth, lead attorney on Winter's legal team. "What could happen to Jana in Colorado would never happen in New York."

New York's shield law, among the strongest in the nation, bars the jailing of journalists for refusing to identify sources.

A lower New York court, at the request of Holmes' defense team and with authorization from the Colorado court, issued a subpoena last January requiring Winter to appear in Colorado for the purpose of giving testimony. An appellate court ruled 3-2 against Winter, but the close decision automatically triggered her right to take the case to the Court of Appeals.

Holmes' attorneys claim whomever spoke to Winter violated a gag order imposed on those involved in the investigation. But Winter's defense team maintains the subpoena should have never been approved by the lower court in New York, where the shield law provides much more vigorous protection of journalists than a similar but weaker shield law in Colorado.

Numerous media organizations and First Amendment advocates have issued statements and spoken on Winter's behalf in the case. They argue the courts in both states have sent a chilling message to journalists, who need the protection of shield laws to do their jobs and keep the public informed. Without that protection, Winter's supporters argue, journalists and whistleblowers are much less likely to reveal vital information in the public interest.

"The lower court [in New York] saw its role as extremely limited, regardless of defenses or First Amendment rights," Peter Scheer, executive director of the First Amendment Center, told  "The question is what should the court in New York have done? Should the subpoena even be enforced?"

Scheer and others have argued that Winter's testimony is not needed for central issue related to the Holmes case – a key requirement of the Colorado law that was applied to Winter. Holmes' attorneys have admitted that he carried out the horrific attack.

"The fact is that it has to do with punishing [the source], but that is not important enough to outweigh the First Amendment," said Scheer. "It's really just to vindicate the authority of the Colorado court that imposed this gag order."

If the New York court does not quash the subpoena, Winter must appear before Arapahoe County District Court Judge Carlos Samour Jr. on Jan. 3, and either reveal her sources or face an indeterminate jail term.

Winter's defense team has also argued that the lower court in New York failed to consider how the subpoena has hampered her ability to do her job. News of her court battle has prompted some long-time sources to refuse to speak to Winter, and she has lost numerous leads on various news stories—harm that her lawyers said the New York Shield Law was designed to prevent.

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