This transcript is automatically generated Personal story segment -- may remember 24 year old marine corporal Dakota Meyer receiving the medal of honor for gallantry in Afghanistan.
That was last year for action in 2000 non.
Now corporal has a new book out entitled into the fire a first hand account of the most extraordinary battle in the Afghan war.
And -- before you get to the book and what you.
Did what you -- on -- for.
Recently the US command in Afghanistan for -- American and NATO troops from patrolling.
With our Afghan allies.
That's just stunning to me after eleven years in the theater.
What you think about that.
You know I couldn't imagine you know I was I was living with these guys these Afghans and I trust them with my life you know -- I was so close to on -- I was close to them as I was the Marines.
So you -- you're and you're out in the forward bases so you have the elite Afghan troops with you write I that they're just like a regular thing I mean they're -- they won't -- not special forces I mean they're just regular guys so they were regular guys they were -- we view and you say that you trusted them as much as you trusted America -- did there was never any time I was worried about them going against -- anything like that so.
You don't seem that the reason -- the -- the media here lately and it's just I don't know what's going on.
So you don't know why there have been a recent and moved past twelve months you were out of the theater when this started.
Afghan soldiers and police uniformed.
Have been killing NATO and Americans and you don't know why.
I don't know why I mean I think I can thank you speculate on -- that you know it would get -- to leave these guys and and you know they stuck to stay there.
So you know I.
I don't know I don't know for some reason I think the Taliban have been able to infiltrate.
That they think they think feel that the Taliban is the power now they see -- relieve minute -- now.
It within a year we -- year to.
Then the Taliban still going to be either for the Taliban -- just sit back wait till we leave and I see you think that some Afghan troops are being influenced by her.
But he usually the ones that attack Americans are killed right away.
So they have to be pretty devoted to the Taliban to give up their lives meaning that you take out -- with free NATO forces and they themselves or -- look at suicide bomber.
Right but you did it would be more than wow that calculation that maybe -- the Taliban these are people who really want.
Now is it.
So chaotic that any Taliban can get a uniform and Afghan army uniform yeah these guys take their -- the market down the road all time and -- the market -- as he'll probably accountability problem -- and the police also are different from the Afghan.
Armed -- worked with Afghan army I wouldn't trust the police in continuation of reform why I -- with.
You know that review but also I was going Afghans talking about Afghans you know I mean like Afghan National Army didn't like Afghan police.
So I would generally -- Afghan police what's the problem -- I was at a -- north they're always sitting -- post.
And they were always you know checkpoints in and -- crew up there were there they seem to be more corrupt -- Afghan National Army what would you mean -- with the taking money shaken down the shaken down the people around you know flip flop in.
You know I was told by an Afghan when I first got there.
That you can't buy an Afghan but you can rent one.
And you think corruption among the police force is pervasive idea from what -- from what I saw me on to speak you know what I think right.
In the book you describe and we want people to read your book into the fire you know the firefight in and and how intense it was.
And and I'm gonna leave the details because I know you don't like to talk about yourself but you're obviously Euro -- winner.
What's it worth it for you though as as an American soldier would what you did in Afghanistan was it worth it.
You know I the wasn't worth it you saw a lot of your friends get killed and hurt.
Yeah -- was worth it no because I get to come home and I get the live in the greatest country on the face third.
And I know that it's guys like that who went over and sacrifice the men and women still going over the sacrificing for us.
For me via live here and live in a free country do you think most Afghans appreciated your sacrifice -- visited you know I I was so close the guys you know.
And they told me I mean they said we -- that you know the there.
There's good and bad in every sure being every group that absolutely -- I had some guys that you know five of their real close to me in neighbor you know there's -- sergeants.
And they said you know.
We're not gonna let you -- country without us -- forward.
Don't guess right -- it's almost like Vietnam there -- a lot of south Vietnamese who are very loyal to the USA and appreciated our sacrifice there but then there's an element that is.
And you did the best she could you won the the medal of honor so the book again into the fire corporal thanks not my pleasure to meet you -- thank you very.
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