Tuesday, August 27, 2013

FOXNews.com: TENSION RISING US Scraps Russia Meeting On Syria Peace Conference

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TENSION RISING US Scraps Russia Meeting On Syria Peace Conference
Aug 27th 2013, 08:12

Published August 27, 2013


Aug. 26, 2013: Secretary of State John Kerry speaks at the State Department in Washington about Syria.AP

Secretary of State John Kerry, leaving no doubt where the U.S. stands on allegations of a chemical weapons attack last week in Syria, said Monday that the evidence of such an attack is "undeniable." 

"What is before us today is real, and it is compelling," Kerry said. 

The secretary of State addressed the allegations from State Department headquarters. He pointed a finger squarely at the Assad regime, sharply questioning any suggestion that the weapons could have been deployed by the opposition, or that the attack could have been staged. He called the strike a "moral obscenity" and accused the Syrian government of trying to destroy the evidence. 

Shortly afterward, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney echoed the remarks, saying the evidence of an attack is "undeniable" and there's "very little doubt" that the Assad government was behind it. Carney said it is now "profoundly" in the interest of the U.S. and international community to respond. 

The comments, taken together, drew the United States one step closer to possible military action. Kerry reiterated that President Obama is weighing the situation and will make an "informed decision" on how to respond in the coming days. But the secretary said the world must stand up to make sure such an attack never happens again. 

The images from last week's attack, he said, "should shock the conscience of the world." 

Carney would not speculate on what the U.S. response would be or when a decision would be made. 

The State Department said late Monday it is canceling a meeting between Undersecretary Wendy Sherman and U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford with their Russian counterparts because of ongoing consultations about U.S. response to the alleged chemical weapons attack in Syria.

A senior State Department spokesman told Fox News the meeting will be rescheduled.

Leading members of Congress are starting to press the administration to consult with them first before any possible response. 

"Using chemical weapons against innocent civilians is unacceptable. No regime can be allowed to do so with impunity," said. Rep. Buck McKeon, R-Calif., chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. "I expect the Commander in Chief would consult with Congress in the days ahead as he considers the options available to him. Drawing red lines before you know what you are willing to do to back them up is folly, but now that American credibility is on the line, the president cannot fail to act decisively." 

Kerry spoke after a U.N. team of investigators visited the site of the alleged chemical weapons attack -- they were earlier fired upon by unidentified snipers. The attackers struck one of the vehicles; the Assad regime accuses rebels of being behind the attack, while the rebels say government allies were responsible. 

Kerry's comments indicate the U.S. is not waiting for a U.N. finding to proceed. He noted the team will likely not issue a finding on who was responsible for the strike. 

At this stage, the U.S. is looking for international support from its allies before pursuing any particular course of action. Obama spoke over the weekend with the leaders of France and Great Britain. Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron, though, is facing pressure to win approval from Parliament before proceeding with any military plan. 

While the U.S. and its allies deliberate, the Navy has sent four warships into the eastern Mediterranean Sea. According to senior U.S. defense officials, the four Destroyers are in position and would be capable of launching a missile strike at a moment's notice. 

Onboard each ship are up to roughly 90 Tomahawk missiles. U.S. military officials said the Pentagon is in a "watch-and-wait mode," and the decision rests with Obama. One official suggested it is unlikely the U.S. will launch any strike while U.N. inspectors remain on the ground, for fear they could be taken hostage.

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