The front lines of the Trayvon Martin case are moving to Washington, with family members and civil rights leaders expected to attend a Capitol Hill briefing Tuesday and meet with Democratic lawmakers.
Family members and others have demanded the arrest of the shooter in the aftermath of their 17-year-old son's death, saying the Florida teen was the victim of racial profiling. The briefing Tuesday is being organized by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, and other Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee.
Martin's parents will attend the afternoon briefing and meet with the congresswoman, according to her Washington office.
Whether Martin's mother or father will speak at the briefing remains uncertain. Among those already on the witness list are Robert "Bobby" Parker, retired director of the Miami-Dade Police Department, and Albert E. Dodson Jr., chairman of 100 Black Men of American Inc.
Martin was fatally shot the night of Feb. 26 by community watch volunteer George Zimmerman in the suburban Orlando neighborhood of Sanford.
Civil rights leaders such as the Rev. Al Sharpton say Zimmerman targeted the unarmed Martin, who is black and was wearing a hoodie. The national debate has turned to questions about whether Zimmerman should be arrested despite possible -- though controversial -- protections under the state's so-called Stand Your Ground law that allows residents to defend themselves against force.
However, gun-rights advocates and even Zimmerman lawyer Craig Sonner have said the law does not apply to the case.
Protests in Miami, New York and other major U.S. cities helped fuel the national debate. Federal Justice Department officials are investigating, and President Obama entered the debate last Friday when he called the killing a tragedy and said, "If I had a son, he would look just like Trayvon."
GOP presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Rich Santorum and Newt Gingrich also expressed their sympathy, though Gingrich criticized the president's comments. Other details have emerged over the past 48 hours including news reports citing police sources with evidence that the shooting began with a few words exchanged, before Martin knocked down Zimmerman with a punch and allegedly pounded his head on the sidewalk.
A friend of Zimmerman emerged Monday to defend him, telling Fox News that Zimmerman is the victim. In addition, news reports have said Martin was in Orlando because he was suspended from his Miami-area school for having in his possession a baggie with marijuana residue.
On Monday, the family also said Martin had earlier been suspended for tardiness and truancy.
Sharpton, family attorney Benjamin Crump and others have said the reports are an attempt to demonize Martin and have no relevance to the shooting.
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