Tuesday, November 6, 2012

FOXNews.com: BIAS ALERT: Will Media's Election SpinImpact the Result?

FOX News Channel - We Report. You Decide. // via fulltextrssfeed.com
BIAS ALERT: Will Media's Election SpinImpact the Result?
Nov 7th 2012, 01:36

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She says that you came to her in 1999 at a time.

When you're having an affair she says you asked -- sure to enter into an open marriage.

Would you like to take some time to respond to that no.

But I will.

I think to distract students.

Vicious negative nature.

Of much of the news media makes it harder to govern this country.

Harder to attract decent people to run for public office and I am -- The you would begin a presidential debate.

On a topic.

No they smacked around -- media like Newt Gingrich standard.

Some of us here Fox -- were on the receiving end of that a couple of -- big -- but that was a memorable moment early on in this presidential process.

It Gingrich scolded CNN's John King setting up the first in the series.

Well one in a series of controversies about the media.

And their role in this when he -- as -- campaign and the impact it may or may not have in the final results.

Joining me that is -- Jonas Goldberg yeah.

-- the national review and Fox News contributor and -- against the she to a Fox News contributor and former political advisor to New Jersey senator Frank Lautenberg.

So -- laugh because Gingrich he was entertaining even when you were on the receiving end of it it's kind of entertaining.

And I don't know that that's necessarily an example of biased right that the John King moment you can argue about ways but they're -- a lot of examples of the media arguably putting.

That's Obama on the scale in in this election Joanna.

And as we are now on Election Day how do you think it's it is shakes out.

look at I think it sort of undeniable that mainstream media are the legacy media where everyone a cause has been.

Quietly or sometimes not so quietly rooting for Barack Obama and to -- the way they covered.

This election.

All talk about how Obama's victory was inevitable.

The way they talk about how when when when Romney was pulling ahead in the polls that was called tightening when Obama was pulling ahead in the polls.

It was called Obama putting away the race.

And they've generally set a climate where there never outraged.

At the sort of things that.

Would -- them about George W.

Bush when it comes from drone strikes or lies about -- Ghazi or calling death of an ambassador bump in the road.

Or are the fact that the -- sandy has turned into this third this Toby and nightmare in Staten Island.

These -- the kind of things that the mainstream media prided itself in getting outraged about under George Bush.

And see these things is at best inconvenient and trivial when they're inconvenient for Barack Obama.

well I'll look first of all say that the media certainly and enters a new didn't give -- a harder time but his extracurricular activities that should -- David Bill Clinton for examples out of immediate necessarily biased in that sense towards one or the other party.

I think the media salacious I think the media focuses -- the wrong things I really don't care who knew it happens -- an affair with or Bill Clinton for that matter that's my opinion.

You know I will say there is something to the fact that most of the media is located in New York City.

And Washington and as a result -- to get a more liberal.

Member of the press corps members of the press corps as a result of where they are and and and where -- live and that's undeniable I'm not gonna sit here and defend bad.

I will say that George Bush went to war.

With a very complacent media saying that there -- weapons of mass destruction nobody really look into it too much except for a few left leaning newspapers.

So I wouldn't say that the media necessarily has done a great job.

In either case whether democratic or Republican presidents of getting the bottom of exactly what the voters and the people need them to -- the bottom.

Action about whether we we reached a whole new level in in an area where the -- loves the president at least to some extent John I mean -- date the there have been many segments that we've had where we've talked about whether Mitt Romney is running against the fourth estate in addition to running against Barack Obama.

Yeah there's -- there's a fundamental head wind against Republicans generally.

I don't think you know there's some of the -- my friends on the right think there's an open conspiracy.

Among mainstream media to to sort of stick it to Republicans wherever they can.

And what I agree that you know that the mainstream media as -- sometimes given liberal politicians a hard time.

-- I can.

But in the idea that somehow the Mitt Romney has gotten a fair shake.

Out of the mainstream media I just think is sort of untenable it -- and it's it's one of these things that are showing up in a Gallup has the survey that says.

Americans have the lowest esteem for the mainstream media that they have ever had.

The distrust for it runs something like 70% of independents think the mainstream media has fallen down on the job.

Mitt Romney in part because he's not a fantastic candidate the way he talks he's not a fluid.

Comfortable candidate but you know you listen to people like.

The guys on MSNBC.

Were convinced that if Mitt Romney says after the -- it's a racist code word.

Com for white people and you get the sense that there really are that there really do have it in for the guy.

we had a couple of examples in in recently Candy Crowley -- and mediate a dispute during the debate that she probably wishes she could have back and and then.

Sixty minutes just now releasing a critical.

Critical exchange -- the president over Libya.

48 hours before the election that really undermine something the president had been telling us about whether this is terrorism and they're they're.

No excuse for sixty minutes behavior I don't understand what was going through their mind well look -- there's the three of us have the privilege of working for the number one cable station.

In the nation.

I so -- don't think that Fox News is in the tank for Barack Obama so you don't think -- New York Post.

Which is a major newspaper here in New York is in the tank for Barack Obama so when you talk about this amorphous mainstream media you know they're talking about.

Who I mean you're talking about everybody totally -- last -- that I never before the NFM the -- fox media well hey there -- night.

Coming up at its heart rate de Cuba -- how.

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