Wednesday, July 24, 2013 BILL O'REILLYHuge Reaction to Memo On Race, Black Community
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BILL O'REILLYHuge Reaction to Memo On Race, Black Community
Jul 24th 2013, 15:38

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Hi I'm Bill O'Reilly thanks for watching us tonight huge reaction my memo last night about why the black crime problem is not.

Not being addressed in America.

That is subject of this evening's talking points model first of all if you want to see what I said last night please go to bill -- -- dot com or

Also my remarks -- all over cyberspace today the -- -- my memo is that the civil rights industry and our leadership in Washington.

Will not take on the black crime problem because in order to do so black culture.

Would have to change.

Any thinking person knows Zimmerman Martin case was an unintended consequence.

Of three year.

Zimmerman thought Morton suspicious.

Because of the way he looked.

So far there's been no credible challenge to what I said last night because facts are facts young black men commit murder at ten times ten times the rate.

Of whites and Hispanics come -- The country's failure to deal with poverty crime and -- black precincts is a disgrace.


Is true racism.

And there are other promising to be solved as well but our leadership lacks the will to big examples gun crimes the solution is not the seizure of weapons -- clear violation of Second Amendment.

But a streamlined approach to punishing -- -- carry.

Illegal guns each state should be free to make its own gun laws -- the Fed should criminalize all gun crimes.

And impose strict mandatory sentences upon conviction for example.

If they stop and Frist operation here in New York City takes an illegal gun away from somebody that somebody gets a mandatory five years in a federal -- If that somebody commits robbery with a gun he or she it's ten years assault with a gun.

Fifteen years that zero tolerance policy would drastically reduce gun crime throughout the US act.

About illegal immigration.

The solution here is to make illegal entry into the United States a crime not a civil beef like it is now.

Overstate your -- a sneak into the country 101000 dollar fine can't -- -- six months and a detention center.

If you deported and come back here ten years in a federal -- you want to stop illegal entry that'll stop it.

Also business owners hire illegal aliens 101000 dollar fine for each first -- -- I just saw the -- and immigration problems.

But there's little -- in Washington or in the media to embrace tough solutions it's much easier for politicians and pundits to now all of all kinds of platitudes in theory have a conversation.


People are -- And asking them.

Now the top story tonight -- response to my talking points last night the National Urban League holding a big conference this week and joining us now from Philadelphia the head of that organization mark.

-- First of all I believe the root of the black crime problem in America is the disintegration.

Of the African American family.

Do you agree.

Bill I think you're missing the point and you missing an opportunity that you have with your considerable platform.

To help with the conversation about whether it's the crime problem the unemployment problem and the light and the reason why is he can't start the conversation.

By simply name calling castigating and attacks and I believe you've talked with.

-- great force in the past about the need for -- to be civility about this.

This set of problems that this nation faces so your platform could be a platform that could help was -- -- let me and maybe didn't understand the question.

I agree that the black crime problem which is very intense violent crime.

The reason that's happening.

To the extent that it is is because of the disintegration of the African American -- Do you agree with that.

I think that the disintegration.

Of the traditional African American family.

Has cause great social problems in -- in the black community and in America at large but bill we see the dissing it -- the disintegration of the so called nuclear family.

Throughout all of America not just and I like the extent of seventy's I don't think that's a direct not to the extent that the African Americans did period particularly in a poor precincts are experiencing and you know that 73% is.

It's it's a catastrophe.

All right so if you -- you really -- about about that this is a driving factor not only a crime but also poverty it's a factor -- yet.

If you agree with that I think it's the primary factor.

All right why isn't there more emphasis on solving that problem wire there -- no public service announcements from the organization.

Or other civil rights organizations.

Telling black girls don't become pregnant.

That's not going to Leo and I think I would.

Well here's where I think got extend an invitation to you to come out imitation I want to know why you guys haven't put out not.

A campaign.

To to fight against these pregnancies that are leading to crime and poverty why haven't you done that.

Bill you.

You're not hearing of messages that go on in the community every day in the houses of worship.

In the meetings that we hole in the programs that we undertake obviously not human growth focused on you're not getting through -- headlines -- Yeah I don't -- there's -- -- reality may be on cable television.

And also the headlines that may be in the newspapers but the reason why I invite you win.

Is because as a whole conversation that takes place beyond the mainstream media in the community which is deeply concerned talks about these.

Probably it's not try work finds you not understand countenance -- mr.


Morial I'm -- Or -- yeah it's not.

Working what you do is just were not -- your -- and Little League all right it's not working.

It's so that we we we knew what -- we -- to gather from the president on down.

-- stop the BS stop the diversions.

Stop you know accusing people one way or another.

And come to some solutions and the first solution is you've got to stop young black women from have a babies out of wedlock you've got to discourage that actively.

And the second thing -- you've got to demand disciplining your public schools in the inner cities particularly.

Get the unions out of there.

Have the kids in school uniforms and demand standards and discipline.

I don't hear any of that from Jackson or Sharpton or from -- -- or from President Obama.

I don't hear any of it from you guys.

Bill let me tell you something.

Obviously you haven't been listening that close like Sean -- we do in the -- show me where it is already showing the ad come join our campaign Joseph come on.

It's not about bill it's not about an advertising campaign.

That's not what it's about it's not about fancy ads or slogans or branding.

What it's about is the work that we need to do and our community and we do have deep problems -- let me say this the problems that African Americans face.

On no different than the problems that America faces it's just that they're deeper it's just that -- more significant whether it's unemployment whether it's a desire.

For our children to achieve educational outcomes whether it's a desire to live in safe and wholesome communities those aspirations -- the same -- problems are similar.

They just have to be deeper and I agree that much of what we've been doing may not be working in some cases it's because we're not doing enough and my invitation -- For you -- -- to continue this conversation.

For you to use your considerable platform and -- -- Discuss it in a civil manner.

Well not a lot of common ground for example I'm for school uniforms and champion that as far as long ago is twenty years ago.

I think that's a good idea that's right I'm sure that we can find some common ground on some very little -- it's not a matter of.

You and me agreeing because we both want the same -- You and I want the same thing.

We want civility.

We want safety.

And we want prosperity.

For all Americans.

Particularly -- more disadvantaged.

But I'm telling you.

That there is a hustle going on and civil rights industry there's a grievance industry that makes a lot of money off the vision.

And it's not being challenged by anybody but -- me.

And -- take a while a lot of you know when bill when it.

Last word bill let me say this Americans do have an opportunity to express themselves to express their grievances.

Against the government -- -- the nation but we also have a responsibility.

To work to find common ground if you and I can agree.

That'll send a single and I don't want to get a grip on the solution -- does need to file I don't think we agree on the -- actions.

I think we agree on what we went -- to -- not to solutions UN.

But you and I need to talk more because I'm sure we can find common ground because I think when people talk.

They can find common ground if we agree.

A lot of people die and while a chat is going on this memorial and we appreciate you coming on and you're welcome any time they want to come on this broadcast thing.

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