Tuesday, July 23, 2013

FOXNews.com: BILL O'REILLY'Race Hustlers' Have Intimidated Conversation

FOX News Channel - We Report. You Decide. // via fulltextrssfeed.com 
BILL O'REILLY'Race Hustlers' Have Intimidated Conversation
Jul 23rd 2013, 18:21

This transcript is automatically generated

Hi I'm Bill O'Reilly thanks for watching us tonight President Obama and the race problem that is a subject of this evening's talking points memo on Friday.

President delivered surprise remarks in the press about the trim on Martin case and race in general his main point a plea for understanding.

There are very few African American men in this country you haven't had the experience of being followed when they were -- and department -- That includes me I don't want to exaggerate this but.

Both sets of experiences in form.

How they have -- American community interprets.

What happened.


And that's sure many black Americans harbor at least some resentment for past injury.

What what President Obama surely knows is that you cannot reach a fair criminal verdict or design.

Effective public policy that solves present problems by dwelling on the sins of the past.

Talking points believes the president was correct in addressing the race issue in framing it with the Martin case he's a leader America.

The -- talking about this by the way.

When you hear a pundit -- politician saying we should have a quote conversation.

About race that means -- -- foreseeable alleviating which will likely lead nowhere.

The sad truth is that from the president on down our leadership has no clue no clue at all.

About how to solve problems within the black community and many are frightened even broach the issue.

That's because race hustlers and the grievance.


Have intimidated the so called conversation.

Turning any valid criticism of African American culture and to charges of racial box.

So many in power simply walk away leaving millions of law abiding African Americans -- pretty much fend for themselves.

In violent neighborhoods.

You want racism.

That's racism.

Thus it is time for some straight talk and I hope the president is listening tonight because we need him to lead on this issue.

Trevor -- -- was killed because circumstances got out of control.

He was scrutinized by neighborhood watchman Georgia's Zimmerman because of the way you look.

Not necessarily -- skin color there's no evidence of that but because he was a stranger to Zimmerman.

And was dressed in clothing some -- used by street criminals.

Was Robert Zimmerman to confront -- -- based on his appearance.

But the culture that we have in this country does lead to criminal profiling because young black American men.

-- so often involved in front.

The statistics.


But here's -- headline.

Young black men commit homicides.

At a rate ten times greater.

Than whites and Hispanics combine.

When presented with damning evidence like that and like the many holocaust in Chicago where hundreds of African Americans are murdered each year.

Civil rights industry.

Looks the other way or makes excuses.

They blamed guns poor education lack of jobs.

Rarely do they define the problem accurately.

So here it is.

The reason there is so much violence and chaos.

In the black precincts is the disintegration.

Of the African American family.

Right now about 73%.

Of all black babies are born out of wedlock.

That drives poverty.

And the lack of involved fathers.

Leads to young boys growing up resentful.

And -- super box.

When was the last time you saw.

A public service ad telling young black girls.

To avoid becoming pregnant.

As President Obama done such an -- -- -- Jackson or Sharpton.

Has a Congressional Black Caucus demanded an ad like that.

How about the PC pundits who work for NBC news.

White people don't force black people to have babies out of wedlock.

That's -- personal decision.

A decision.

That has devastated millions of children and lead to disaster both socially and economically saw.

-- without much structure.

Young black men often rejected education and gravitate towards street culture drugs hustling gangs.

Nobody forces them to do that again it is a personal decision.

But the entertainment industry -- -- -- -- responsibility.

By marketing a gang subculture.

Hip hop movies trashy TV shows to impressionable children.

In fact President Obama has welcomed some of the worst offenders in that cesspool.

To the White House.

When he should be condemned me with these weasels are doing.

These so called entertainers get rich while the kids who emulate their lyrics and attitude destroy themselves.

And then there's the drug situation.

Go to Detroit.

And ask anyone living on the south side of the eight mile road what destroyed their city.

They will tell you narcotics.

-- you know addiction leads to crime in the basement.

What -- the race hustlers and limousine liberals yell about.

The number of black men in prison for selling drops -- it's so unfair it's a nonviolent crime at blacks are targeted.

As one of the biggest lies in the history of this country.

The thugs -- sell hard drugs no matter what color today are.

Deserve to be put away for long periods of time they -- poison they sell a product that in slaves and kills they are stop.

When was the last time you heard that Congressional Black Caucus saying that.

How about Jackson and Sharpton how about prison and -- bomb.

The solution to the epidemic a violent crime and poor black neighborhoods he's -- actively discouraged pregnancies at a match.

To impose strict discipline and a public schools including mandatory student uniforms.

Had to create -- zero tolerance policy from -- and drug crimes imposing harsh mandatory prison time on the offenders.

And finally.

Challenging the entertainment industry to stop peddling garbage.

Hey listen up you greed heads.

If -- -- can't speak proper English uses the F word in every sentence it's disgraceful is disrespectful.

Is disrespectful.

In his or her map.

That child will never never be able to commit compete in the marketplace of America never.

And has nothing to do with slavery.

It has everything to do with you Hollywood people and you derelict parents you are the ones hurting these vulnerable children.

He want -- conversation.

You got it.

You want a better situation for blacks give them a chance to revive their neighborhoods and culture work with the good people to stop the bad people.

Pumping money into the chaos does little it can't legislate good parenting a responsible entertainment.

But you can fight against the madness with discipline a firm message and little tolerance for excuse making.

It is now time for the African American leadership including President Obama.

To stop the nonsense.

Walk away from the world of victimization -- grievance and lead the way.

Out of this mess.

And that's enough.

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