Monday, August 27, 2012 Blogger Faces Gov't Probe For 'Kill Mitt Romney' Page
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Blogger Faces Gov't Probe For 'Kill Mitt Romney' Page
Aug 27th 2012, 21:51

A Philadelphia blogger is behind a Facebook page calling for the death of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney and another page supporting two alleged cop killers.

The page calling for violence against Romney garnered 27 "likes" and remained up for 17 days before coming down on Monday, according to the Washington Free Beacon. It and another page targeting Romney's vice presidential pick, Paul Ryan, was created by blogger Joshua Scott Albert, who drew the attention of the Secret Service, according to a spokesman.

"We are aware of it and we are taking appropriate investigative steps," Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan told

Donovan said Albert could potentially face prosecution, if the page is deemed more than an ill-advised lark.

"People have a right to free speech, but we have to determine what their intent is," Donovan said.

Albert, a former restaurant worker, also created an "I Support Chancier McFarland & Rafael Jones" Facebook page, according to the Philadelphia Daily News. McFarland and Jones allegedly gunned down Philadelphia Police Officer Moses Walker Jr. on Aug. 18 during an attempted robbery.

Investigators say the two men followed Walker, then pulled a gun and announced a robbery. Walker drew his weapon and was shot three times.

The page, which was removed on Sunday and depicted mutilated images of police officer's bodies, outraged Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 President John McNesby.

"It's disgusting," McNesby told the newspaper Sunday. "He's a little punk. He's going to get his day."

Commissioner Charles Ramsey said of Albert: "He's a pitiful, insignificant individual."

Albert, who became infamous as the creator of the Staph Meal blog, which criticized the restaurant industry, confirmed he created the page as a little side project of the food blog.

"I'm showing support for these two men," Albert said of McFarland and Jones, adding that they have not yet gotten their day in court.

Asked if he was supporting that Philadelphia cops get killed, he said: "It can appear that way.

"Sure, why not?" he added. "Why not? I don't mind.

"I would never do it [kill a police officer]," he said.

Albert said that he created the page as "social commentary" and not to gain fame. He said he wondered why it took cops only a few days to identify the alleged killers of Walker when the city has "so many unsolved murders."

McNesby said that he talked with District Attorney Seth Williams on Saturday, and that Williams' office will look into whether it could charge Albert with harassment or terroristic threats.

McNesby said he tried to contact Facebook to get the page taken down, and another page, "Remove The Cop Killers Support Page," drew more than 10,000 followers Sunday before Albert's page was removed.

"The page is DOWN!" the anti-Albert page proclaimed about 6 p.m.

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