Thursday, August 30, 2012 Revved-Up Republicans Ready for Mitt
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Revved-Up Republicans Ready for Mitt
Aug 30th 2012, 22:02

Some of the biggest names in Republican politics have spent the last week warming up the crowd for Mitt Romney. 

Now it's up to the newly anointed nominee to make his own case. 

There remains between the two-time presidential candidate and the Oval Office a series of hurdles -- among them, issues that still stir reservations among potential voters and continue to be exploited by his critics. His wealth. His faith. His history of tension with branches of the Republican Party, and an enthusiasm factor that, until this week, seemed lacking. 

The GOP nominee, accepting his party's nomination Thursday night, has the chance to address all these things and give undecided voters a reason to vote for him -- not just against President Obama. 

"He needs to connect with people on an emotional level," Republican pollster Adam Geller said. "He does not need to bash Obama." 

Geller said Romney needs an "image bump" out of the speech, which he cast as a forum to reach out and connect with people who are turned off to Obama but not quite sure whether they're "ready to hire the challenger." 

Romney's had the benefit going into Thursday night of a fiery warm-up act. From New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to Condoleezza Rice to running mate Paul Ryan, the speakers in Tampa have leveled pointed criticism at President Obama and touted Romney's credentials to take his place. 

"The American people just want to know if we're going to change horses in midstream that I'm getting on a better, wiser horse," Christie said Thursday morning at a Florida delegation breakfast. "That when we make this change that the change is not going to be for us to either stand in place or go backward, but that horse is going to move us forward." 

Democrats continued to tease at Romney's perceived vulnerabilities Thursday morning, releasing a web video accusing him of seeking a "convention reinvention" and trying to "shake an Etch-a-Sketch of epic proportions." It went on to spotlight his record at private equity firm Bain Capital, his offshore accounts and other details Democrats have used to paint him as out of touch with average Americans. 

Speakers at the GOP convention, most notably his wife Ann, have tried to highlight Romney's personal side. They've tried to energize voters around his candidacy -- no doubt recognizing that the Romney ticket needs to make bigger inroads with independents and former Obama supporters in order to seize the majority in November. 

Romney is running as an economic Mr. Fix-It, but despite a string of dismal labor reports and forecasts, the two candidates remain knotted up in a virtual tie in most polls. 

Democrats are sure to answer back next week with a fulsome celebration of Obama in Charlotte, N.C., for their convention, and Romney's address will make for the Republicans' closing words before that event.   

One issue that could come up Thursday night, and which has been referenced repeatedly by other speakers, is Romney's Mormon faith. 

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, also a prominent evangelical and former presidential candidate, touched on the issue in his address Wednesday night, addressing why he as an evangelical would support someone who is not. 

"I want to tell you something, of the four people on the two tickets, the only self-professed evangelical is Barack Obama. And he supports changing the definition of marriage, believes that human life is disposable and expendable at any time in the womb, even beyond the womb," he said. "Let me say to you tonight, I care far less as to where Mitt Romney takes his family to church, than I do about where he takes this country." 

Huckabee, also a Fox News host, said Thursday that the speech should be aimed more at the broader American public than the party faithful in the Tampa Bay Times Forum Thursday night. 

"He doesn't have to convince them," Huckabee said on Fox News. "He's got to convince the people on television. This is a television speech." 

Further, he said, Romney needs to explain how he's going to take the country "somewhere where we want to be." 

Ryan, in accepting the vice presidential nomination Wednesday night, vouched for Romney as the man for that job. 

"After four years of getting the run-around, America needs a turnaround," Ryan said, "and the man for the job is Gov. Mitt Romney." 

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is also set to speak tonight, before Romney, as are former GOP primary foe Newt Gingrich and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

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