Tuesday, August 28, 2012

FOXNews.com: Romney Gets His 'Defining' Moment

FOX News Channel - We Report. You Decide. // via fulltextrssfeed.com
Romney Gets His 'Defining' Moment
Aug 29th 2012, 00:56

A formidable lineup of high-profile speakers, including Mitt Romney's wife, have the task Tuesday night of defining the newly anointed Republican presidential nominee -- not just as a businessman and former governor, but as a man.

Ann Romney, arguably the candidate's best spokesperson, can present a side of the former Massachusetts governor that no one else can.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, known for his tough talk and blunt humor, will deliver the keynote address and try to make the case that Romney is most capable of turning around the economy.

Ann Romney's prime-time address inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum will seek to personalize Romney as a husband, father and grandfather, sources with knowledge of the speech told Fox News. 

"I read somewhere that Mitt and I have a 'storybook marriage,'" Romney will say, according to excerpts released by the campaign. "Well, in the storybooks I read, there were never long, long, rainy winter afternoons in a house with five boys screaming at once. And those storybooks never seemed to have chapters called MS or breast cancer.

"A storybook marriage?  No, not at all. What Mitt Romney and I have is a real marriage," she will say. 

"This is the man who will wake up every day with the determination to solve the problems that others say can't be solved, to fix what others say is beyond repair," she will say in her prepared remarks. "This is the man who will work harder than anyone so that we can work a little less hard...I can't tell you what will happen over the next four years. But I can only stand here tonight, as a wife, a mother, a grandmother, an American, and make you this solemn commitment...This man will not fail. This man will not let us down. This man will lift up America!"

The 63-year-old Romney, whom her husband has called "my counselor, my friend, my inspiration," described her speech to reporters Tuesday as "heartfelt."

"I think a lot of you have been covering me long enough, and you know I've never gone off a written text," she said. "So this is a unique experience for me to actually have something written, because I've never used it. No one has ever written a speech for me, no one has ever. I've never given anything off a sheet."

"And I did say it's going to be pretty, pretty tough to actually write a speech that I feel like I can actually give, and so I had a lot of input in this," she continued. "And a lot of tweaking where I felt like I was getting what I really wanted to say from my heart."

A source with advance knowledge of Ann Romney's address told Fox News that -- unlike most high-profile campaign speeches -- her script needed no editing.

"It was great," the source said.

In a recent interview with "Fox News Sunday," she may have hinted at what she hopes to convey in her convention address.

"I wish everyone could see him how I see him, because as a mother I've seen ... how compassionate he's been with me as a wife and raising these small children," she said. "He always valued my work as being more important than his."

Other speakers expected Tuesday night are former Pennsylvania Rep. Rick Santorum, South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell and House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio.

Mia Love, a small-town Utah mayor and daughter of Haitian immigrants, also holds a prime-time speaker slot. Love, who is black and a Mormon, is running for Congress in Utah and is considered a rising star within the Republican Party. If elected, the 36-year-old mayor would be the first black Republican woman ever to serve in Congress. 

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