Hiding behind a scenic vision of mountains and blue skies, Sandoval County, New Mexico has one of the nation's worst education systems. Voters here say education - not the economy - could be the most important issue in the presidential election.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, graduation rates in the state are 48th in the country.
In fact, New Mexico ranks 49th overall for education, according to CQ Press Education State Rankings.
Residents we spoke with in this diverse county blamed many things, including budget cuts, English being a second language for many, and poverty.
Long time residents Dee and Dana Hesse moved to Sandoval County 30 years ago from the Midwest. They were hoping for a bright academic future for their 11-year-old daughter, Emma, but have since been frustrated and disappointed in their school district. Dee told us, "Our schools are underfunded, our teachers are underpaid. Emma couldn't even bring home a textbook when she was sick for a week."
Once the economy started to decline, the Hesses say, the school Emma attended went downhill with it. "We have kids that can't read, can't write," Dee said. "I think it is time we get back to the basics with reading, writing, and arithmetic." (read more)
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