Friday, October 26, 2012 BIAS ALERT: ABC All But Silent on Libya Emails
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BIAS ALERT: ABC All But Silent on Libya Emails
Oct 26th 2012, 16:40

Wednesday, ABC "World News" gave a dismissive 20 seconds of lip service to a blockbuster report that revealed State Department emails showing that the White House knew on September 11 that the assault on the Benghazi consulate was a terrorist attack. The emails documented that within two hours of the attack, the State Department had told the Obama administration that an Islamic militant group had claimed credit for this terrorist attack.

This is news because White House press secretary Jay Carney said on September 14: "We have no information to suggest it was a pre-planned attack." The emails show they did, in fact, have information suggesting a planned terrorist attack, yet President Obama and his spokesmen for days lied to the American people, falsely claiming it was a "spontaneous" attack spurred by a "video."

The email story broke Tuesday night on the "CBS Evening News." Since then, the Media Research Center reviewed all of ABC News' programs, and the network has almost completely refused to report this new evidence, giving it a scant 25 seconds on "Good Morning America" and 20 seconds on "World News" Wednesday night.  "Good Morning America" skipped the story entirely on Thursday morning, but did commit nearly 2 minutes to the capture of a monkey in Florida. "World News" did not mention the emails on Thursday night.

Yes, ABC News has covered the attacks in Benghazi but it is giving scant attention to the latest development concerning the release of emails.

ABC is aiding and abetting the Obama administration's cover-up of their deceitful response to the Benghazi terrorist attack. There is no bigger story than Obama's Benghazi lie, and ABC, a so-called "news network," has absolutely no excuse for hiding the truth from the American people.

The questions are simple: what did President Obama know? And when did he know it? These emails prove that either Obama knew it was a terrorist attack and lied about it for weeks, or his administration is historically incompetent. Either way, it's major news and demands more than mere seconds of total coverage from one of the three major broadcast networks.

ABC has been shielding Obama from the Benghazi fallout for weeks in order to help him win re-election, but the American people see right through it. Their corruption is as obvious as it is unforgivable.

Brent Bozell is founder and president of the Media Research Center.

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