Tuesday, October 30, 2012

FOXNews.com: BIAS ALERT: Some in Media Politicizing the Storm

FOX News Channel - We Report. You Decide. // via fulltextrssfeed.com
BIAS ALERT: Some in Media Politicizing the Storm
Oct 31st 2012, 05:26

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And just in Duncan is with us of talk radio news service.

And Justin a we're just talking to our contributors about this I don't know if you can hear us Justin's in DC by the way.

Just -- we were talking -- those folks about really how how important this is in the final stretch before this election but a lot of the coverage.

Isn't really talking about politics we're not taking the campaign speeches live.

A lot of the events have been canceled.

What is your opinion in terms of the impact this is going to have.

You know as we head closer and closer to Americans going to the polls to elect a new president.

Gonna have an impact you know we know that early voting has been disrupted.

We know that a lot of these final ads that are being pushed and he you know closing days of -- are not really being seen.

Since so many are without power and we know that this is really gonna change dynamics there's you know really that question of whether or not people should be on the campaign trail right now and we see both campaigns kind of going about it taking baby steps.

But you know we still even in this period human tragedy see a lot of people.

I'm in sort of the partisan media really playing politics with this and that's something that's really been disappointing throughout all of us.

Can you give me a couple of examples what do you mean you know obviously news organizations try to be fair and balanced in terms of covering events in trying to juggle what's of importance on a national level but also keeping people educated what do you mean when you believe that there's bias it's been sort of interjected in some of the coverage.

Slowly I'm not really talking about the mainstream media since they've been pretty good about this.

But everybody knows that there is a partisan echo chamber and when I find out that -- power this morning I sort of took a look at it.

And you know I thought people on the right who were going after Obama for going back home you know and -- the Orlando event as saying that he is just trying to present himself as a hero.

I think that this is going to be good for him and that is something that he is.

Cheering on.

And I also saw people on the left really going after Romney.

For attending a storm relief event today saying that he was you know really just secretly trying to get back on the campaign trail about having it actually looked like he was.

We also -- Sort of all last -- a sort of -- on Twitter with people saying that Romney was trying to absolutely abolish FEMA which is really not what he said.

Which is you know clearly -- what he said was that state governments should be taking the lead but should receive federal assistance which is exactly what -- does now.

And you know what -- it's understandable why these partisan people are.

You know doing what they do since this is their job it's still just a little disappointing it really raises the question why do we really need blogs.

And -- aren't there bigger issues not just right now but.

You know frankly all the time that really.

You know our clips by a lot of the sort of bickering.

Just and it's interesting that you bring that up because you know we as as members of the press talk about this all the time.

Nowadays anyone can go online and write whatever they want on the Internet they can -- out they can put it on a blog they can put -- on FaceBook.

And there are people out there that read this stuff and they they take it for face value and obviously.

A lot of news organizations we vet the information we confirm -- we double check it we make sure there I's are dotted and RTs are crossed.

You know mistakes are made sometimes but nonetheless.

You know that is the difference between a legitimate news organization and someone they can just go on line and -- whatever they want to about that.

And that's what's fascinating about this day and age especially as we head into this big presidential election.

There are a lot of folks that are getting their information from the news from some of these blogs.

How should people.

Sort of discerned the differences between a legitimate news organization and not reading everything.

That they see on line and taking it for the truth.

Wolf the obvious question is if you are consistently -- information that you want to hear you probably aren't getting an accurate picture.

You are probably not understanding that the world is a lot more nuanced than sort of echo chamber environment that you're probably you know.

Resorting to and it's always good just to sort of expand your you beyond that that's -- the bigger question -- not something that's really gonna have to be addressed.

You know as a 21 century progresses you know where people getting their news are they getting all the facts and you know.

Should they be relying on something other than you know somebody who tells them exactly what they want to hear.

Just to -- come from talk radio news service so live for us this afternoon Washington DC Justin thank you very much for taking time to talk with us this afternoon and you can of course watch FOX News Watch.

Hosted by our own John -- 3 to 4 eastern every Saturday and Sunday on the Fox News Channel where we take a closer look at all of the issues that have been.

Thrust into the national spotlight and breaking down how it's covered in.

And and really how how all of the news is analyzed and put together.

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