Friday, October 26, 2012 East Coast Prepares for A Monster of a Storm
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East Coast Prepares for A Monster of a Storm
Oct 26th 2012, 09:31

The pre-Halloween hybrid weather monster that federal forecasters call "Frankenstorm" is looking more ominous by the hour for the East Coast, and utilities and local governments are getting ready.

Meteorologists expect a natural horror show of high wind, heavy rain, extreme tides and maybe snow to the west beginning early Sunday, peaking with the arrival of Hurricane Sandy on Tuesday and lingering past Halloween on Wednesday.

With a rare mix of three big merging weather systems over a densely populated region, experts predict at least $1 billion in damage.

Hurricane Sandy, which has killed 21 in the Caribbean, including 11 in Cuba and nine in Haiti, is currently sweeping through the Bahamas and is barreling north. A wintry storm is chugging across the country from the west. And frigid air is streaming south from Canada.

And if they meet Tuesday morning around New York or New Jersey, as forecasters redict, they could create a big, wet mess that settles over the nation's most heavily populated corridor and reaches as far west as Ohio.

Utilities are lining up out-of-state work crews and canceling employees' days off to deal with expected power outages. From county disaster chiefs to the federal government, emergency officials are warning the public to be prepared. And President Barack Obama was briefed aboard Air Force One.

"It's looking like a very serious storm that could be historic," said Jeff Masters, meteorology director of the forecasting service Weather Underground. "Mother Nature is not saying, `Trick or treat.' It's just going to give tricks."

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecaster Jim Cisco, who coined the nickname Frankenstorm, said: "We don't have many modern precedents for what the models are suggesting."

Government forecasters said there is a 90 percent chance -- up from 60 percent two days earlier -- that the East will get pounded.

Coastal areas from Florida to Maine will feel some effects, but the storm is expected to vent the worst of its fury on New Jersey and the New York City area, which could see around 5 inches of rain and gale-force winds close to 40 mph. Eastern Ohio, southwestern Pennsylvania and western Virginia could get snow.

Virginia's Department of Emergency Management are advising residents to make preparations in advance and to closely watch local forecasts.

"We are taking the forecast seriously," VDEM spokeswoman Laura Southard told "We are in close contact with the National Weather Service and the National Hurricane Center, so we're getting the best information we can."

Residents in the storm's expected path, Southard said, should have a three days' supply of water on hand, or one gallon per person per day, enough for drinking, cooking and some bathing.

"They should have at least a 3-day supply and food that doesn't need electricity to prepare it," she said.

To combat extended power outages, Southard suggested residents purchase battery-powered radios and extra batteries.

"Pay attention," she said. "Expect that there's going to be some effect and go ahead and make some preparations."

Southard said state officials likely will add more employees at its emergency center in Richmond beginning on Saturday.

"It looks like things are coming together," she said. "And it never, ever hurts to be prepared."

According to Cisco, the storm will take its time leaving, and the weather may not start clearing in the mid-Atlantic until the day after Halloween and Nov. 2 in the upper Northeast.

"It's almost a weeklong, five-day, six-day event," he said from a NOAA forecast center in College Park, Md. "It's going to be a widespread, serious storm."

It is likely to hit during a full moon, when tides are near their highest, increasing the risk of coastal flooding. And because many trees still have their leaves, they are more likely to topple in the event of wind and snow, meaning there could be widespread power outages lasting to Election Day.

Eastern states that saw outages that lasted for days after last year's freak Halloween snowstorm and Hurricane Irene in late August 2011 are already pressuring power companies to be more ready this time.

Asked if he expected utilities to be more prepared, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick responded: "They'd better be."

Jersey Central Power & Light, which was criticized for its response to Irene, notified employees to be ready for extended shifts. In Pennsylvania, PPL Corp. spokesman Michael Wood said, "We're in a much better place this year."

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Thursday said the city was striking a tone of calm preparedness.

"What we are doing is we are taking the kind of precautions you should expect us to do, and I don't think anyone should panic," Bloomberg said. The city has opened an emergency situation room and activated its coastal storm plan.

Consolidated Edison is warning its 9 million customers in Westchester County and New York City to stay away from any downed power lines if and when the storm strikes the state. 

"Treat any downed line as if it's alive," Con Ed spokesman Christ Olert told "Stay away."

Olert advised residents to charge portable devices in advance and to have extra batteries on hand in the event of outages.

"We're watching it and we'll be prepared," Con Ed spokesman Chris Olert told "We'll have extra crews available and, if need be, we'll go to 12-hour shifts."

Some have compared the tempest to the so-called Perfect Storm that struck off the coast of New England in 1991, but that one hit a less populated area. Nor is this one like last year's Halloween storm, which was merely an early snowfall.

"The Perfect Storm only did $200 million of damage and I'm thinking a billion" this time, Masters said. "Yeah, it will be worse."

As it made its way across the Caribbean, Sandy was blamed for at least 20 deaths. The 18th named storm of the Atlantic hurricane season hit the Bahamas after cutting across Cuba, where it tore roofs off homes and damaged fragile coffee and tomato crops.

Norje Pupo, a 66-year-old retiree in Holguin, was helping his son clean up early Thursday after an enormous tree toppled in his garden.

"The hurricane really hit us hard," he said. "As you can see, we were very affected. The houses are not poorly made here, but some may have been damaged."'s Joshua Rhett Miller and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

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