Wednesday, October 31, 2012 BIAS ALERT: Expect MM to Resume Obama Boosting
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BIAS ALERT: Expect MM to Resume Obama Boosting
Oct 31st 2012, 17:49

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Thanks -- and Bill O'Reilly in the week -- Bernie segment tonight after the storm chaos of size most likely on Thursday it'll be back to presidential campaigning.

With US media heavily invested in president Obama's reelection how will that -- what ties play out.

Joining us -- North Carolina -- some thoughts Bernard Goldberg -- what do you expect to see on Thursday through Monday night.

I don't think we're going to see anything different bill.

In the final days of the campaign then we've seen throughout the campaign and what we've seen throughout the campaign is the media pretty much.


Up for President Obama.

So let let's take one example I think that the media will continue.

To show the same astonishingly.

Lack of curiosity over how the president handled Ben -- They've shown very little interest before they'll show very little interest -- How they will portray the president as a strong leader and presidential.

Because of how we covered.

How we handled -- the hurricane and he -- talk about that even after Thursday so they'll continue to portray him as a strong leader.

Which is perfectly fine but I'm wondering if at some point we start to see comparisons.

Between -- Obama.

And hurricane sandy and President Bush and Hurricane Katrina.

Yeah but I don't think that's gonna have now look it's retail politics now the factor has I've spoken at the highest levels.

With the Romney campaign.

And the Obama campaign and I said -- You know you gotta do an interview with me it'll be a worldwide event everybody to be watching it -- be on the Internet.

Yeah this on the idea.

He basically said well that's is a word they use that's intriguing.

That means you know have a chance in hell tries to get -- India -- intriguing means it is an ain't gonna happen.

At at -- look I understand President Obama because he would have to answer questions about Libby.

Not heavy Brian Williams here the -- micro questions about -- is not going to be we're investigating -- cut so here are gonna do it because of that.

But I cannot stay alive Mitt Romney is not doing it because Mitt Romney has -- story to tell in my opinion.

He has -- story to tell.

But I think what the strategy is on -- campaign is to -- in Ohio Virginia Florida Colorado and Nevada.

Real strong.

And then we have the Electoral College if we can take all of those states we -- went back and -- do this O'Reilly punk when I'm gonna bother with you have not.

I don't think I don't think they see you in a negative light I think they make it they made a calculation.

And the calculation is.

That there's not enough upside to take a chance doing an interview with you but -- nothing wrong calculation.

Well maybe it is maybe it isn't but that's the one that I think we both agree that they've made yet although I would say otherwise they'd be here instead -- right now.

Well nobody ever bump you but we certainly are I I -- I offered both of the candidates.

I happen -- On a fact -- back to back.

But the upside to both of -- is that they get to show the American people.

In a very challenging forum with a beta because there is.

I -- submit -- and everybody else says -- it could go either way still burning.

That could clear the way you know totally new look at for a tipping point I hate to steal Malcolm Gladwell is book title what you're looking -- that.

Did the tipping point this is what you.

Maybe who knows we disagreed the tipping point may goal in the wrong direction.

If Mitt Romney sits down with.

but what -- let me would you rather go out guns blazing.

-- and everything that you can to win the game in the fourth quarter right or you want to run out the clock.

Now the answer -- I'd rather go out guns blasier and -- but we'll wait a second but I might define.

Guns blazing -- spending more time in Ohio and Iowa and Wisconsin.

And not not sitting down with you with -- same -- off it's the same stuff.

Well yeah -- and -- and I don't know hold hold on and you may ask things that that that bring out answers that aren't the same stuff.

And that's where the problem lies you know.

I saw as an upside I mean I think you wanna win.

And I -- told governor Romney's people with all due respect called John McCain.

And call.


My guide them sold.


In in Massachusetts because both what it said to me.

We shouldn't -- last week both of them.

You you're crazy not to take that that opportunity.

Well they they they made a decision and it's -- yes it's still in play.

If you wanted you wanted to put any.

Just between us I don't want the folks at homeless and it's good if -- put any money on this.

I think -- might do it.

I can't penalize them and President Obama when I -- zeroes that's so I don't say I don't know I mean it would have to be his call he'd have to make it.

The president -- to make it himself.

Can I -- quick question yeah.

Do you think that more than a few reporters.

Are sort of wishing -- some level.

That the hurricane.

Had not hit two Blue States like new York -- New Jersey.

But it hit Iowa.

And Ohio they did -- stops and and I -- and while I'm I mean direct hit you know yeah I mean I I think that I'm saying this only half tongue in cheek but I think.

More than a few of them we should hit there because that would that might help President Obama look.

Presidential which is entitled to look now in three in three important states are very had to -- difference in new York and New Jersey okay crowd.

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